
GMO Debate Part 1

~~Let's look at what the research is saying about GMO foods, and the GMO process. 
Recently a poorly referenced, and some might say a very opinionated article, appeared in the journal Scientific American. This article attempted to refute what has been demonstrated on numerous occasions through multiple research studies. This is the type of opinionated, and passionate writing that is occurring on both sides of this debate. I would like to cut through all of the drivel and get to what is being demonstrated through empirical evidence.
In one study which was published on the journal Food and Chemistry in September 2013, the researchers analyzed three different types of soy beans. The first group was genetically modified glyphosate tolerant (GM-soy), the second was unmodified soy cultivated using a conventional "chemical" cultivation regime, and the third was unmodified soy cultivated using an organic cultivation regime. This study was not only a win for the non-GMO crowd, but also for organic foods, as you will see in a moment.
These researchers found that the organic soybeans showed the highest nutritional profile with more sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose, and significantly more total protein, zinc, and less fiber than both conventional and GM soy. Organic soy also contained less total saturated fat and total omega-6 fatty acids than both conventional and GM soy. GM soy on the other hand did in fact contain high residues of the toxic glyphosate, and AMPA. AMPA is a compound that mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter glutamate. Conventional and organic soy beans contained none of the "agrochemicals". The publisher of this article states in the highlights of the article "This study rejects that GM soy is "substantially equivalent" to non-GM soybeans."
In another study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology entitled "Glyphosate Induces Human Breast Cancer Cells Growth via Estrogen Receptors", the researchers demonstrated that Roundup® styled glyphosate may be a hormone "disruptor". They state that low, and environmentally relevant concentrations of glyphosate possessed "estrogenic activity". They also found that when used in the production of soy beans the estrogen-like substance called Genistein, which is found in soy beans, is enhanced in its estrogenic effect when glyphosate is used on the crops. In other words, these "manufactured and unnatural" soybeans are loaded with extra estrogen-like hormones that are passed on to the consumer.
In another study published in the journal Genetics and Molecular Biology in 2007 researchers found that glyphosate caused damage to the DNA of residents in an area being sprayed. The study followed individuals in Ecuador who were exposed to aerial spraying with glyphosate. They compared these individuals with a control group from the same region who had no exposure to the chemicals. They found that the glyphosate exposed group had a higher degree of DNA damage when compared with the non-exposed group. They went on to say; "These results suggest that in the formulation used during aerial spraying glyphosate had a genotoxic effect on the exposed individuals." 
As if that isn't enough for you to digest (no pun intended), in another article published in 2012 in the Archives of Toxicology, researchers found that; "Glyphosate is the largest selling herbicide worldwide; the most common formulations (Roundup) contain polyoxyethyleneamine as main surfactant. Recent findings indicate that glyphosate exposure may cause DNA damage and cancer in humans." They go on to state that; "Since we found genotoxic" (genetically toxic) "effects after short exposure" (20 minutes duration) "to concentrations that correspond to a 450-fold dilution of spraying used in agriculture, our findings indicate that inhalation may cause DNA damage in exposed individuals." 
There is much more research that we could go into regarding the cellular toxicity of these GMO based agri-chemicals, but I think that I have made my points here thus far.
To recap, we have discussed that a great deal of the GMO equation up to now revolves around the sale and use of glyphosate based herbicidal chemicals, with the anchor product of the market Roundup leading the way. I have also demonstrated to you that the body of research has demonstrated that these chemical herbicides damage our health in many different ways. They alter our DNA, cause cancer, and affect our hormones. I have also demonstrated research that documents the nutritional superiority of organic foods as well. 
I would like to end this series of articles by posing this question to the CEO and Board of Directors of Monsanto; If you truly believe that Roundup is so safe for all of us, I would like to have you swill down a small 8 ounce glass, just once. Perhaps if this is too much of a challenge for some of you, just do 4 ounces, or even a shot glass. Perhaps you don't want to take it internally, then just bath in it daily for one week. O.K., for those on the board who only bath once weekly, you can just do it once in that week, and I would be O.K. with that.
You see, I truly do not wish harm to come to anyone, even the "evil-doers" at Monsanto. The fact is that I know without a doubt that no one on that board, including the CEO, will take me up on my challenge. You see, they all know what the research is proving. They know that even a small amount of skin, or respiratory exposure will set in motion many genetic, carcinogenic, and physio-metabolic changes in the human organism. All of which will have negative effects on the Health and Wellness of the poor individuals who unwittingly gain exposure to this highly toxic substance. Remember all of this when you watch the happy, fun loving T.V. commercials about how Roundup will solve all of your earth shattering, world changing weed problems from which you suffer. Trust me when you are lying in a hospital bed somewhere contemplating the surgery that you are about to have to remove a cancerous tumor from your body, you will not be worried about the weeds coming up through the cracks in your pavers! 
Want to prevent cancer? Then start preventing it before it starts, not once you have it. The "cure" starts with prevention. Don't let this form of prevention fall off your radar screen several weeks from now when you have forgotten the details of this article.
Join the battle! Feel the passion in my words! And stop allowing this massive problem to continue. Help end the life threatening struggle that we are in right now by limiting the use, or better yet eliminating GMO's entirely.
We can make a difference. There is power in numbers, and our numbers are growing!