
Omega 3's Protect Against Cancer Causing Sun Exposure!

~~Well folks, once again what I have been telling you for years is being proven in the current research. In this most recent study performed in the U.K., researchers have proven again that Omega 3 rich fish oil protects you against the harmful cancer causing effects of UV (Ultra-violet) sun exposure.
Many of you may be aware that non-melanoma skin cancer incidence is on the rise. This in spite of the fact that many today have much less skin exposure to the sun. This is in part due to the fact that as a whole we are spending much less time in the sun, and when we are in the sun many of us are slathering exposed skin with UV blocking sun screens. As many of you know from our recent newsletters, most of these sun screens contain highly toxic chemical compounds which are being absorbed into your bodies through your skin, and potentially causing other health concerns.
Years ago in my seminars and writings, I noted that Omega 3's may have protective effects against UV radiation from the sun. I encouraged all of my patients to begin using this essential nutrient in order to reduce the harmful side effects of the sun's rays. Many of you listened and today have brought your Omega 3 levels up to sufficiency, and are supporting those levels with maintenance doses of Omega 3's.
Remember that not only is the quantity of this essential nutrient important, but also the quality. We search for the best quality and value in all of our supplements. That is why I always recommend our Innate Choice Omega Sufficiency fish oil supplement. It is simply the best in both quality, quantity and value that I can find. I want you all to make sure that you are becoming sufficient in the main deficiencies that plague our society, and Omega 3 deficiency is one of the top 3 that we work with.
As far as the proof that you need, let's review this research study which was performed recently and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers used two groups of test patients. One group was supplied with 5 grams of Omega 3 per day and the other wasn't. Both groups were exposed to 15 minutes of mid-summer sun exposure.
Understand that the damage that occurs from the sun's UV radiation occurs through a process called photo-immunosuppression. In other words, the UV radiation causes reduced immunity of individual cells. This then allows the cells to "mutate", or turn cancerous.
In the group of test patients who were receiving the 5 grams of Omega 3's, the photo-immunosuppression was 50% less than in the placebo group who received no Health producing Omega 3's.
I hope that you grasp the significance of this one. You see this directly impacts vitamin D levels as well. Vitamin D is also a nutrient which most Americans are deficient in.
The moral of this story is that you should take your Omega 3 supplement, and enjoy some sun exposure. As I have said before, you must limit that exposure. I also want you to be careful about the type of sunscreen that you are using if you choose to use it.
We will be coming out shortly with a listing of the least toxic sun screens for you to use.
In the meantime, get on your Omega 3 supplementation consistently.