
How to Combat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

~~As those of you who have followed my other articles on "Syndromes" realize the diagnosis of ... Syndrome simply means that there is not a definitive diagnosis for a particular set of signs or symptoms which occur in a group of the population. Since this is I.B.S. Awareness Month I will be focusing on the topic this month.
I.B.S. is a disorder in the function of the bowel, which typically involves abdominal pain, abdominal distention, and an alteration in bowel habits. It affects about 10- 20% of the population, and the annual incidence of I.B.S. is about 1-2%. Some of the less frequent symptoms include heartburn, nausea, frequent urination and urinary urgency, as well as the associated symptoms if fibromyalgia. Remember that last one because I will be circling back to that one again. Symptoms can be stress related, and are often worse around the menstrual cycle (another stressor on women's bodies). Symptoms are often relieved by having a bowel movement. Often times the stool will be mucousy in consistency. The bowel habits may range from diarrhea to constipation. There is no set pattern. Inflammation of the bowel has been noted in I.B.S. subjects in some recent research studies on the subject.
So, what are the causes of this Syndrome which complicates many individuals lives in our society today. Medically, as is the case with many other conditions they "just don't know". That's right there is no "bug" that has been identified that causes this condition. In my opinion there never will be one found either, because I.B.S. is a condition that exists due to "wrong life-style choices"! Individuals who develop these signs and symptoms that we now label as I.B.S. are not living a "genetically congruent life-style". They have perhaps taken antibiotics for an "infection" and in doing so have decimated their intestinal "flora". The intestinal flora are the "good bacteria" that should dwell in the lower bowel; further more these individuals are not feeding the handful of good bacteria that remain in their intestines the appropriate food source that they require which is fiber. This fiber is the only requirement of these little bacteria in order for them to survive and perpetuate themselves in our intestines. These little intestinal dwellers are
therefore not able to continue their jobs, and as a result the host individual will experience an escalating cascade of events which allow for the gradual and progressive break down of the intestinal lining. This intestinal break down allows for the migration of large particles of material through the intestinal wall which normally would not pass through. This in turn begins a gradually progressive autoimmune cascade of events which gradually not only leads to an autoimmune attack on the tissues and cells of the bowel wall, but also leads to the associated autoimmune responses which will later be diagnosed as either other "unassociated" Syndromes, or newly diagnosed conditions. So, let's circle back to the association that I mentioned earlier of I.B.S. to "Fibromyalgia Syndrome". Here is an Ah Hah moment for you; isn't it interesting that we have two "syndromes" about which we know so little that often times appear together. Perhaps that is really due to the fact that Fibromyalgia Syndrome also has an autoimmune component which in this case affects the connective tissues including the muscles, tendons, and fascia of the muscles. Both of these conditions also involve an inflammatory component as well.
O.K. gang let's get to what initially got you to read this article, which is "How Can You Treat I.B.S. Naturally?" First of all you may be aware that much of the research being published today indicates that "gluten" is a prime suspect in the onset and perpetuation of this condition. This culprit has also been associated with many other autoimmune conditions. Therefore the first thing that I recommend to my patients it that they begin a "gluten free diet". This really means "wheat free". As you all know by now Dr. Pfeiffer is a strong advocate of a "grain free diet". Grains in general are inflammatory, but if that is too much of a jump for you to make at this time, at least begin on a gluten free diet. You will benefit from this form of eating regardless of what "autoimmune" condition that you have been diagnosed with.
The next thing that I recommend to all of my patient with this or any other autoimmune condition is that they begin using a high quality full spectrum probiotic supplement like our Innate Choice Probiotic Sufficiency. This will begin the process of "rebuilding" your intestinal flora. You must always remember to feed those probiotics with which your are reinnoculating your bowel. The way you
do this is with fiber. This is all that these little guys want. So, you need to eat your veggies and some fruit as your fiber source, NOT GRAINS! You can also use a whole food plant based fiber supplement like our "Gastro-fiber supplement that we use in our Full System Cleanse Program.
There are certainly many other advanced techniques and supplementation protocols that we use here at the Center to assist our patients with this and many other autoimmune, and deficiency syndromes. This information should go a long way to give you a good start at understanding this condition which is often very frustrating for those who suffer from its life altering symptoms.

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Dr. Pfeiffer's Spring Cleaning Cleanse Event is in full swing right now. But, you can join us for Dr. Pfeiffer's next Cleanse event when life settles down after the summer hustle and bustle is over. Join us then to learn how you can Cleanse your body and lose some weight before the Holidays.