
Chiropractic Testimonials

I have had moderate back pain for years and tried many forms of treatment. Nothing seemed to help. I first gave up and figured I would just learn to deal with it. Then, a few friends told me about Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center and how it helped them. 

I used to have pain in my back on both sides of my spine and down my left leg to my knee which kept me from sleeping well at night. It wore me out standing on concrete at work all day. Now I am feeling about 80% better and am very surprised and thankful. Now I can sleep much better and movement at work is much more comfortable and any minor back pain is a lot more tolerable.

David K.

Prior to being treated at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had severe pain in my lower back due to heavy lifting. I also had pain in the right side of my lower back. The pain made walking difficult. I knew immediately that I should see Dr. Pfeiffer. I had previously been a patient and, since I travelled from Kutztown to see Dr. Pfeiffer, discontinued.

On the first visit, I had heat applied to the area and Dr. Pfeiffer adjusted me and explained the problem. The pain subsided somewhat, and I was advised to rest. On each visit the heat was applied prior to my adjustment and my pain greatly improved. I highly recommend Dr. Pfeiffer!

Lucinda T.

At the time that I called for an appointment at the suggestion of my stepdaughter, who is a current patient of Dr. Pfeiffer’s, I had a shooting pain from my lower back and down my left leg. At times, it made it difficult to stand or walk. 

Now, I often forget I have a back problem that I am working on. I am still careful about what I do to an extent, and I am careful to do the exercises that Dr. Pfeiffer prescribed for me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel now. I can now garden, play with my grandkids and walk my dog. 

Jackie Franzen-Sacks 


Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I had lower back pain off and on for many years. I was treated by several different chiropractors and had acupuncture treatments for the pain. The pain would always come back and was so severe at times that it was difficult for me to get out of bed. A friend referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. I have degenerative discs in my neck and lower back but thanks to the chiropractic care received from Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff I am now on maintenance care once a month with only minor back pain at times.

Grace Stull


I was suffering with headaches and neck stiffness when I first began treatment with Dr. Pfeiffer and the staff at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center. I was going through a difficult season in my life and was unable to take care of myself, so I was surviving by taking Tylenol and ibuprofen. Once things began to settle down, my mom told me to make an appointment with Dr. Peiffer. Following treatment (and maintenance) my symptoms greatly improved. I no longer need Tylenol and Ibuprofen for my neck or headaches. I have greater motion in my neck. I continue to practice self-care, and that includes regular visits for adjustments. I am worth it… and so are you! Just give it a chance. Thank you, Dr. Pfeiffer, and staff!

Tammy Younger

. Prior to seeing Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, my pain was in my groin/hip area and radiated down the front of my leg. This affected my range of motion when walking and doing my daily activities. It was painful to walk up the stairs or get into my car. I held off getting any help thinking my problem would resolve. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office by a good friend who has been helped by Dr. Pfeiffer. Chiropractic care at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center has greatly improved my range of motion in all my daily activities with very minimal pain. It’s essential to get to the root of whatever is ailing you, to fully heal so you can live your best life. Chiropractic/holistic healthcare can help you as it has me.

Linda Tindula


I’d been having a lot of pain in the back of my left thigh, especially when sitting in a car or anytime
sitting if my lower leg wasn’t elevated. I also had twisted my left knee recently and had much pain. I also
had lower back pain. Walking or standing was difficult. This was gradually getting worse over the time of
a month. I’d tried calling my MD one morning and couldn’t get through for some reason (I tried 3 times!)
and I felt God was directing me to try chiropractic care. A friend highly recommended Dr. Pfeiffer so I
called and got an appointment for 3 days later!

My leg, knee and lower back are so much better after a little over a month of care at Upper Perk
Chiropractic Center. My left thigh rarely hurts at all, and I can sit in a car with no pain. My knee is also
greatly improved and strengthened as is my lower back. I have much more stamina and endurance
when standing and walking for longer periods of time. Dr. Pfeiffer and staff are very kind, caring and
have a great knowledge of chiropractic care and what to do to help. No meds needed for pain anymore!
I am very thankful.

Susan Derr

. Walking into Dr. Pfeiffer’s office, I didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea, I had never really been to a chiropractor before, yet I knew I was at the end of the line. The pain that I knew was never going to leave me. I really needed a miracle; I had tried many other options that didn’t work. I was feeling pain from my lower back into my hip, into my thigh and into my knee. I could not walk. I felt that I was at a standstill. 

My daughter said to try Dr. Pfeiffer, “he will make it better”. Unfortunately, I did not believe her. But with convincing, I took the first step. I decided to let him care for me. I made an appointment with him. Each week I was able to improve and finally after several weeks of Dr. Pfeiffer’s care I was able to take my first step without pain. What I learned is I would never be perfect since I have Parkinson’s disease. However, Dr. Pfeiffer would give me that miracle I had asked for.

Rita Brian

I have been under the care of Dr. Pfeiffer for herniated disks. When my husband and I wanted to get pregnant again I discussed the risks and challenges with Dr. Pfeifer. He helped me maintain my health and progress through my pregnancy. Because of this care I was able to have a mostly pain free pregnancy. 

After delivering an 11 lb. baby I knew I needed an adjustment. Dr. Pfeiffer got me in right away. This helped me with managing post-partum pain and healing. I know that continuing my treatment during pregnancy and after delivery has allowed me to stay healthy and heal to the best of my ability. I recommend EVERY pregnant woman have chiropractic care.

Amanda Reynolds


A colleague referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center after I told her I had an autistic child who struggled with tip toe walking and poor core strength. 

We saw Dr. Pfeiffer with the expectation that he would improve my son’s posture, but I had no idea of how much the visits would also improve his speech and behavior. Since starting, I learned about the benefits of Chiropractic Care for children with autism. I saw the results of treatment almost immediately. My son was sick for the first several weeks of treatment as his body released toxins. 

At the same time, his conversational skills began to improve. His teachers and therapists noticed this immediately. His cognition is improving and for the first time his report card showed “At grade level” for comprehension. We have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer regularly for about two months. Last week my 11-year-old son and I watched a two-hour movie together for the first time ever. He was able to follow the plot and ask questions without the need to rewatch the same scene or take a break. 

His teacher said, “It’s like he switched it on over the past few weeks.” I would recommend chiropractic treatment by Dr. Pfeiffer for any child with special needs.

Christina & Chase Sporer


I had severe lower back pain for 2-3 weeks before I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer. Now that I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, the pain is very limited. I mostly have muscle tightness. I have come a long way; I feel much better and more mobile. 

Carl Detwiler


Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I was in pain all day long. I wasn’t sleeping. My degree of pain was a 10+ in my lower neck, trap, and shoulder on my right side. I don’t like doctors, so I don’t go to them. I googled Dr. Pfeiffer’s office and came based on reviews. After two weeks of treatment at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I was 100% pain free. I sleep and I am happy again. I can focus again on everyday life instead of the pain I was in before coming to Dr. Pfeiffer. Give chiropractic a try – not all are bad! 

Angie Dixon


I’ve had lower back pain on and off for many years. I was treated with physical therapy several times, as well as pain pills. It helped me. The last time the pain reached a pain level of 10/10 and spread to my groin, hips, buttocks, and legs. I could not sleep much or do work. My wife recommended chiropractic care with Dr. Pfeiffer, as it helped her back so much.

With chiropractic treatments, I started to feel improvement. Slowly at first and more steadily later. The pain decreased and my sleep improved. I could start doing more of the things I enjoyed again. I expect to start my normal activities very soon, but I will take it slow and see how it goes.

Bert Stover


Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I had very bad headaches constantly. I was taking Advil for the pain. I was referred by my son John Tosco to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Now that I am a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer's, my headaches have seen much better. Now I can do more of my daily chores without pain.

Antonietta Tosco


I have neuritis, arthritis, scoliosis, and a collapsed disc in my spine. I had severe pain in my back every day. It awakened me every night. I spent time on the floor day and night for some relief. I went to different doctors for pain medications, injections, and trigger points and even PT. Nothing seemed to last. I could not stand to ride in the car, shop or take long walks. A girl friend told me about Dr. Pfeiffer.

Now that I am treating at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, my back pain has lessened. I have had a few days without any pain. But then it comes back, but not as bad. Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff are kind, considerate, and friendly. It has been a very positive experience. I have ridden in the car more often and gone grocery shopping again. I also can do more at home than I could before starting chiropractic treatments with Dr. Pfeiffer.

Doris Stover


For a while I was suffering with hip and knee pain on my right side. I used Advil and Asper cream to help ease the pain until that did not work either. I mentioned it to Dr. Pfeiffer, while I was treating with him in the Center for Nutritional Health and Wellness, and he asked me to try chiropractic care to see how that could help.

To be honest I did not really believe chiropractic care could help. WOW was I wrong! In just two months, my pain is almost non-existent. I have occasional stiffness when I wake up, but it is gone as soon as I start to move. The difference is like night and day. Believe me when I say do not be stubborn like I was, and instead try chiropractic care. You will be amazed at how it can help your issue and bring you comfort and well-being.

Kathy Chilton


Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my lower back was very painful, and I had a hard time getting in and out of bed, walking and sitting. My level of pain has been above 10 on a 1-10 scale. I would use ice and heat, but nothing resolved the pain.

I came to Dr. Pfeiffer for care, and now I just have a little pain when I stand up from sitting. Even that is much better than before. Occasionally I still have some pain which can reach a level 6. It can be hard to move and walk when this occurs, but it is much less severe and less frequent than it was.

Judy Peart


I was in constant pain and most movements caused discomfort. The pain originated from my lower back for almost two weeks before I started my care with Dr. Pfeiffer. It was painful just getting in and out of bed or my car. I could hardly feed or bend over to pet my dog and cat. My husband helped me to put my shoes on. I was hoping it would go away on its own because I could not even point to a cause for this sudden onset of pain. I had no accidents, falls, etc. Ibuprofen and a heating pad provided no relief. I tried a Tens unit from my sister which helped to manage the pain but did not address the problem. My sister-in-law suggested Dr. Pfeiffer and I am so thankful she did.

In only a few appointments I am finding improvement. My consistent pain has lessened, and my range of mobility has increased. I can work more comfortably at my desk job and get in and out of bed with less pain. I am now starting to accomplish tasks again that require bending, such as feeding the dog and cat or putting my shoes on without help. I am thankful for Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff for their compassion to see me on urgent basis, thoroughness, and kindness on each visit. I am encouraged by Dr. Pfeiffer’s care that I will achieve better back health than I have had in many years. Looking forward to the road ahead!

Elaine Schwien 


Prior to becoming a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer’s, I was in pain most of the time in my lower back. On average, the degree of pain was a 7 on a scale of 1-10. Before chiropractic care, I tried Tylenol or Advil for any relief I could get. My wife was being treated by Dr. Pfeiffer for her arm and said I would benefit from his care.

After a couple of weeks of Dr. Pfeiffer’s care, my pain level is down a lot but not totally gone. My pain is now more like a 2 on a scale of 1-10. I feel better and better every week. I do not feel like my back is arthritic and causing the immobility that I had before. Don’t wait like I did, give Dr. Pfeiffer’s office a call and schedule an evaluation.

John Crist

Prior to beginning treatment at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was in 24/7 constant pain in my low back. I had constant pain at a level 6/10, but walking sent my pain level to a 10/10, immediately. I have had lower back pain for 8 years, but the severity of it varied. I was taking different pain medications, but they only worked for a short time. I asked my pop about a chiropractor and he referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. Now that I am a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer's my level of low back pain is a 4. When I walk it does not go to a 10, it probably goes to a 6 or 7. I do not have to take breaks and sit when walking my dogs anymore. I always said that I would never go to a chiropractor, for several reasons. I should have gone years ago. Do not let fear stand in your way, go and the sooner the better! 

 Deb Ketterer


Prior to becoming a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer's at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I was not able to lift my right arm. This was happening for two weeks prior to starting chiropractic care with Dr. Pfeiffer. The only thing I did before this was take Tylenol for pain with no relief. I called on my own to get care after seeing Upper Perk Chiropractic Center online.

With the electrode therapy, ice, exercises, and Dr. Pfeiffer's adjustments I receive at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center my arm is pretty much back to normal. I can lift my arm to brush my hair. In general I feel much better with chiropractic care. Don't be afraid to make an appointment with Dr. Pfeiffer and get some care!

Rebecca Crist


Before I became a patient at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I was in constant back pain and shoulder pain. It was probably a level of 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 for pain. I had no idea I had a chronic injury from a previous job!

Now that I treat with Dr. Pfeiffer, I am always aware of my posture, how I sit, sleep, stand and make sure I have foot support. I no longer have back pain all the time. I go to Dr. Pfeiffer every two weeks for adjusting. I suggest everyone go see a chiropractor, it will change your life!

Mary Fisher 

Carole Sheetz

Prior to becoming a patient at Upper Perk Chiropractic center I had hurt myself. My primary doctor was treating me for a year, but I still did not feel good. My primary doctor told me that some of his patients go to Dr. Pfeiffer in Pennsburg, so I started care with Dr. Pfeiffer.

Since beginning treatment with Dr. Pfeiffer, I am much better now. Chiropractic adjustments make me feel great. The pain I had before is gone and I am able to get around well. If you want to feel better, try Dr. Pfeiffer and do not be afraid. You will be amazed!

Carole Sheetz


Before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I had pain in my right leg while walking that began to increase over time. This worried me because I walk a half hour daily, including a steep hill. When Tylenol no longer helped, I called Dr. Pfeiffer because he cured my sciatica pain in the 90s.

Now that I am a patient at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I have made tremendous improvement. Since starting my care with Dr. Pfeiffer, I am now walking without pain. I have some occasional discomfort when first standing up or when I get in and out of a car, but at a much more manageable pain level. I am doing so much better now.

Alan Severance


Prior to becoming a patient at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, my shoulder blade and hips would start to hurt badly after a long day of work. It became so bad that one of my regular customers noticed I was trying to move my arms to relieve the pain, and referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Dr. Pfeiffer's care helped me immensely with the pain I was feeling. I can now work both of my jobs, which are typically 14 hour days, without my shoulders and hips acting up. If you're wary about trying chiropractic care, I would urge you to look at your pain in a long-term sense, Ibuprofen doesn't last forever.

Halie K. Smith


I was diagnosed with a L4 L5 disc rupture on my right side. On a scale of 1-10 my pain was an 8. I had multiple steroid injections and physical therapy for 10 months and then surgery. My pain returned after a number of years. I decided not to go the same route again. My father in law referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. He performed an exam and new x-rays. He then began a course of care. Now after several months of care with Dr. Pfeiffer I no longer have any pain or discomfort.

I have to say that chiropractic care helped me a great deal. I have no spinal or leg pain. Through a great individualized program of alignment and exercises I have made unbelievable progress. I would definitely recommend Dr. Pfeiffer's practice to everyone.

Charles DeVaul


When I became pregnant, my lower back was not happy. I would have constant tightness with random sharp pains. I had tried ice, heat and stretching morning and night but nothing would help. I decided to see Dr. Pfeiffer since he has helped me before.

Once I started seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I was amazed at how much better I was feeling! Even my neck, which I didn't know needed help, was feeling incredible. My range of motion was back, my headaches were gone and I was able to enjoy the last 4 months of my pregnancy!

Emma Birchak

Anthony Roma

I was in tremendous pain before I visited Dr. Pfeiffer. I had severe pain in my right thigh and hip for 3 weeks constantly. I couldn't sleep. I was taking ibuprofen to reduce the pain. I was  referred to Dr. Pfeiffer's office by my good friends.

Now after only a few weeks my pain level is very manageable. The chiropractic care that I have received from Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff, has been wonderful.

Anthony Roma 

Michael Harris I was having issues with my hip not feeling aligned, and I felt popping sensations in my hip. I was advised by a friend to call Dr. Pfeiffer. These issues had been ongoing for over 2 years.

Now since starting my care with Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff I have much more movement and my spine feels more aligned. They have also taught me some great stretches that help maintain my form.

Michael Harris

Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic couldn't be considered successful without the success of our patients. This page is dedicated to our patients and the success we have had in restoring and maintaining their health. If you are currently a chiropractic patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free Acrobat Reader to view.

Download & Print Questionnaire 

The pain I was experiencing was in my right butt cheek. Then it started to run down my right leg into my foot. I needed pain pills to calm the pain. I could hardly walk. It all began after I carried a bike down the porch steps, I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer.

I have undergone several weeks of adjustments, therapy and traction. The adjustments and traction have loosened the pain in the leg area. My back has improved as well. I can play a little golf and soon as it gets cooler I'll start walking a mile or two. Can't Wait!

- Richard Conley  

I have been coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center since September 2008. Prior to seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I experienced lower back pain which radiated down both of my legs. My quick fix was pain medication which was only giving temporary relief and masking the problem. The pain was caused by deteriorating discs in the lower back. My initial visit to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center was unrelated to my back issues, but due to my inability to move my head, a co-worker suggested I see Dr. Pfeiffer and so my journey began.

It took time due to the severity of my chronic problems, it was actually a little over a year of routine adjustments until I noticed a significant improvement in my daily physical routine and for me to be totally pain free. The key to your success is to follow exactly what Dr. Pfeiffer tells you and the program he designs specifically for you. It may seem time consuming at the start but it is well worth it. This journey is truly life long if you want to maintain your health and wellness. Regular maintenance care is truly the key to staying pain free. Our bodies are similar to automobiles in some respects. If you feed it good fuel in the form of, veggies and fruits and keep up with your regular maintenance plan of chiropractic adjustments you will get great mileage out of your body.

- Barbara Nace


I was experiencing constant discomfort in my neck and lower back for 6 months. I've had chiropractic treatments before, but never knew the degree of misalignment until Dr. Pfeiffer's analysis. I would always drive past Dr. Pfeiffer's office and see the sign.

I am now in less pain. I am also experiencing less anxiety on a daily basis since being adjusted. Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I had trouble turning my neck while driving. Being that I drive 1500 miles routinely for work, my neck and back are extremely important. As long as I keep up with my new stretches and appointments, I am healing. The same will go for other new patients as well. 

-James Walmsey

Brooke Ruch

I had previously been utilizing chiropractic care for chronic neck and shoulder pain, but due to relocation, I had not reestablished care. I had been seeking out care locally and was recommended to Dr. Pfeiffer. Due to Covid-19, I had been waiting to reach out and schedule an appointment. I woke up one day with back pain that limited my mobility and gave me difficulty with sitting, standing, walking, and laying. Caring for four children, one being a toddler who was just learning to walk, I couldn't have limited mobility. I urgently needed to schedule a visit and was able to be seen within a few days of my call for an initial consultation.

After only a few visits, my back pain was greatly reduced and my mobility restored. Dr. Pfeiffer provided me with stretches to strengthen various muscles that were contributing to my situation. I truly believe that my quick recovery was due to my dedication to following the stretching/exercising plan that Dr. Pfeiffer recommended, as well as the initial frequency in visits. In addition, I was treated for my neck and shoulder pain. I have been experiencing varied pain in these areas for 20 years! I have also experienced improvement in theses areas. I appreciate that Dr. Pfeiffer is always willing to listen to and answer questions regarding my health and provide recommendations for improvement. It is evident he is very knowledgeable in his craft and takes a vested interest in each individual he cares for and their continued health and well being. 

- Brooke Ruch

Lindsey Stevens

Before I came to see Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I had pain in my lower back and jabbing pain down my right leg. I knew I had a herniated disc from prior imaging, but the pain had come and gone over the last several years. In the past, I would take an NSAID to reduce the inflammation, but I knew this was never going to be a “cure”. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer through a friend.

My pain has substantially decreased. Coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center has not only helped with my back pain, but other spinal conditions were recognized and those too are being corrected. After two weeks I can already feel the difference and am excited to see my quality of life improving in the weeks to come with chiropractic care in Dr. Pfeiffer's office.

- Lindsey Stevens

William Sweazy

There was pain in my lower back and I had difficulty walking. I found it very hard to stand let alone walk and used a cane and at times a walker. I had acupuncture back in April 2016. I had been fighting the pain for a year. The pain was so severe in my hips that I couldn't walk very far and most of the time I needed assistance getting in and out of the car. My wife, Kathy, kept trying to get me to go to Dr. Pfeiffer as she knew he could help. I had gotten so bad with pain, I finally agreed.

Although I had degenerated discs in my lower back, I also had another problem. Dr. Pfeiffer had found that most of my pain was from my hip, so I visited with him over the course of the next several months. I saw improvement as to how well and how far I could walk. Dr. Pfeiffer referred me to a surgeon for my degenerate hip to be replaced. Now I come to the office regularly after having hip surgery which was in July 2017. I am now able to walk and dance and have taken a full time job which includes walking, lifting, and climbing in and out of a truck. I come in for regular visits and am happy to report I feel very little to no pain at all in my lower back or hip, and all this from my wife's encouragement. 

-William Sweazy 

Nick Lawlor

Three years ago I tore my AC joint. After a few months I had pain in my neck and back. Since then I have had sharp pains ranging from 5-7 on a scale of 1 to 10. I tried chiropractic before but unfortunately it didn't stick with it. This time I found Dr. Pfeiffer's office, and I am sticking to his treatment program.

After a month of care with Dr. Pfeiffer, my range of motion has increased without pain. I thought chiropractic wouldn't work for me because I was in pain for so long, but it has definitely began to work quickly. 

- Nick Lawlor

Kaitlyn Mowers

For years I had lower back tension and pain. I would have to stop mid-shift at work to try and stretch my lower back for minimal relief. Yoga helped but it was only a temporary fix. I finally looked for chiropractic help when I developed sciatic nerve pain. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by my husband.

Now my lower back pain is relieved. I can work an entire shift with no pain or tightness. My posture has also improved drastically. 

- Kaitlyn Mowers


At first the pain in my lower back was unbearable. I could do nothing without pain.

After seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I am walking, working out, riding bikes, and doing many other things pain free. The best part of seeing the Doc is meeting all the other lives he has touched. I now have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer on a maintenance schedule for 14 years.

- Joshua Kulp


The pain in my neck and upper back started as a continual dull pain that did not affect my daily life of work, sleep, or body position- but it was annoying. I thought I could work it out myself by using heating pads, ice packs, and neck massages. However, nothing seemed to work for long. The pain quickly escalated to excruciating pain over the next few days. I couldn't sit, stand, or lie down for loner than one hour at a time. The pain interrupted work, sleep, and everyday life for me. At its worst, the pain in my neck felt like burning needles, and the muscles in my upper back were so tight it was a struggle to hold my head up. And then I began to lose feeling in my left arm. I had gotten chiropractic treatment in the past, but discontinued the treatments once I relocated to a new community. I mentioned my issue to a co-worker, who recommended Upper Perk Chiropractic Center to me. I made an appointment to see Dr. Pfeiffer.

Within the first visit, I was relieved of some pain, which made me eager to return for subsequent treatments. By the end of the first three visits, I was sleeping through the night, and standing and sitting without constant pain.

I am following Dr. Pfeiffer's recommended exercise regimen and continuing therapy treatment. I know how important it is to keep up with the treatments and will continue on a regular basis. I never want to experience the pain I had before, and believe that regularly scheduled treatments will help me avoid that situation altogether in the future. I have complete and total trust in the treatment I am receiving from Dr. Pfeiffer. 

- Kyle McKoy


I had a big pain in my upper back. I could hardly walk. I tried ice/heat and Advil. My brother referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. I had this pain for about 2 months, before I contacted Dr. Pfeiffer's office.

I don't even think of the pain now. I no longer have the pain, and I am moving well. I am now even sitting and driving with no problem. I am sold!

- Gary Heil


I had pain in my lower back which made it difficult to move and to do my daily activities. My family doctor treated me with steroids but it gave me no relief. My wife and parents referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

 After treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my pain is gone and I am totally back to life as normal. Trust the process!

- Joshua Wardle 


I was experiencing very sharp spasms in my right hip area. It progressed over a two week time frame. It was severe mainly if I moved the wrong way. I have treated with Dr. Pfeiffer for other problems over the past 30 years.

After 3 weeks of care with Dr. Pfeiffer, I still have some tenderness in my right butt cheek, but other than that I'm back to normal. Chiropractic care is very valuable to my efforts to maintain good health.

- Tod Cashatt


My son, Jaxson had a very traumatic birth. In the process, his collar bone broke. He didn't sleep well, was restless, and spit-up frequently. After getting the first adjustment, he slept 100% better than before.

After seeing Dr. Pfeiffer two times a week for four weeks now, he sleeps all night almost every night, is extremely easy to get to sleep, and doesn't spit up near as frequent as before.

- Caitlin E. Lorish

For many years I had back pain in the lumbar area and also neck pain. This back condition came from lifting heavy items while working on a farm in my early 20's. My neck pain was due to years of desk work. I also was having difficulty with my knees which came from a few bad falls on my knees again over the years. In all the areas osteoarthritis had an affect too. Through the years I treated my various problems by going to my G.P, Getting X-rays, and doing physical therapy. I had gone to an orthopedic doctor one time for my knees and he recommended exercise. I felt that I should make an appointment with Dr. Pfeiffer a long time ago, but put it on the back burner ad I was taking care of my mother and had so many various appointments with her situation. In June, I was able to bring my mom to a consult with Dr. Pfeiffer and I realized how he could help her and me. She's been 360 degrees improved and since I started treatments in August, I'm greatly improved. I've been aware of Dr. Pfeiffer through his articles that were in The Town & Country newspaper over the years. I realized his excellent work and self-refereed to his practice. 

I'm so much better since beginning my care with Dr. Pfeiffer! My aches and pains are greatly reduced. I feel that I have more energy and also my posture is much better. My mobility has increased as well. I can climb stairs with minimal to no knee pain. When I get up in the morning my neck and back no longer give me grief! Definitely come to Dr. Pfeiffer, with God's help he is a miracle worker! 

- Teresa Marks

jennifer geese

Before chiropractic, I was living with constant severe back pain. I had been to many doctors who would just give me pain medications and never follow up. It was hard to get out of bed in the morning and perform normal daily activities. My friend referred me to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center and my life has completely changed.

Today my back feels amazing! I can get out of bed without even thinking about it and have a pain free day. I have a lot more energy to do the things I used to be able to do: gardening, bike rides, and evening walks in the park.

-Jennifer Geese

robert dries

Many years ago I fell at a construction site and suffered severe pain in my lower back. My family doctor prescribed a muscle relaxer and said to give it time and it would eventually relieve the pain. A friend suggested a chiropractor so I figured I couldn't get any worse.

I began chiropractic care and it definitely started to make a difference. After years of chiropractic care my condition was better but not what I was hoping to accomplish. By luck I was united with Dr. Pfeiffer. When Dr. Pfeiffer examined me, he determined that we should try a different adjustment plan. Fortunately for me, it worked. I now stay with in my physical limits and quality of life is great. The moral of my story is; when you hit a dead end, look around the corner. There is always a solution to a better life. “Chiropractic” is it!

-Robert Dries

Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, LLC

For a few months, I suffered with leg cramps, low back pain, and my hands falling asleep. Dr. Pfeiffer has helped me many times in the past with different conditions, so I came to see him again for these concerns.

Now my leg, hands, and back feel much better. I experience very few leg cramps. My hands and back are much better also. Dr. Pfeiffer fixed me up again.

-Dennis Spaar

Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, LLC

Before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I had severe pain in my neck and shoulder. I had moved here from Florida. After 3 weeks my pain persisted. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by the Center for Healing in Florida where I had been treating prior too moving to Pennsylvania.

I had been going to a chiropractor on a regular basis while I lived in Florid. He kept me moving and comfortable. Dr. Pfeiffer preformed an examination and x-rays. He immediately helped reduce the severity of my pain. He gently adjusted me to where I am out of pain and my movement is improving more and more.

-Rosann White

Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, LLC

 Before I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I had so much back pain that sitting, walking, or standing was almost impossible. Just to do household chores took me forever because I had to sit down between doing something as simple as laundry, going grocery shopping, or vacuuming floors.

My back pain has decreased dramatically. I am back to doing all household chores without taking a break every five minutes. I walked in New York City for the day with my granddaughter, which I could not have done a few months ago. So if anyone has pain, check out Upper Perk Chiropractic Center.

-Brenda Kahler

Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, LLC

 Before I started chiropractic again, I had mid back and neck pain which caused discomfort and headaches/ migraines. I have seen a family doctor, had an MRI, and used preventative medication for my headaches with no relief. My husband referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Since starting my treatment a month ago, I have had minimal headaches and neck pain. I stopped using heat/ cold and limited Tylenol intake. I have less mid and lower back pain too. Dr. Pfeiffer is great, very educated, and wants to help. The staff at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center is warm and welcoming.

-Katelyn Moynihan  

I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by my daughter who was a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer. She had treated for neck pain and said she knew he could help me with my aching hips. I went to see Dr. Pfeiffer and he helped me. I then continued care on a maintenance program for years. After a while I figured I didn’t need to take the time to go so I stopped.

I was ok for a while but after Christmas I suddenly got a sharp pain in my hip. On a scale of 1 to 10 it was a 10. I started my care with Dr. Pfeiffer again. Now I am feeling great. The only time I have any discomfort is when I get out of bed in the morning, but it goes away as I move and exercise. Everyone who has any pain, should come to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Dorothy Hershey


Prior to seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I was having neck pain daily. I was rubbing and cracking my own neck two to three times a day with little relief. I also was having “traveling pain” in my limbs with numbness that would come and go in my fingers and toes. My headaches were almost daily, I was also having chest pain.

After four weeks of treatments, my neck pain has decreased significantly and I crack my own neck far less often. The traveling pains have stopped and my chest pain seems to have stopped as well. I am finally starting to feel like myself again!

Angel Bartosch

During the summer of 2017, I was experiencing pain in my right shoulder that went down my arm and made my fingers tingly. I could not sleep a full night without pain. I also had a terrible time driving. After dealing with this most of my summer vacation, a fellow teacher recommended Dr. Pfeiffer.

My shoulder has been doing well for over a year! Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff helped me by providing wonderful care, as well as great exercises to continue my therapy. Chiropractic care may not be the “overnight” solution but it definitely helps with maintaining good health over long periods of time.

- Stacy L. Swavely


I was having pain in my back where I bend which was worsening over the years, especially worse on days I work as a nurse in a hospital. I have had the pain for many years. My general practitioner suggested stretching and no x-rays were taken. I decided to go to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office on my own.

My back pain and mobility has significantly improved. I do not notice it as much and I am taking less OTC medication. I have many more good days compared to before seeing Dr. Pfeiffer.

- Colleen Caffrey


Previously I was in constant back, neck and shoulder pain. I always had these issues but not to this extent. My friend recommended Dr. Pfeiffer. My previous chiropractor was to rough and would not except insurance.

Since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I am not in constant pain. However, whenever I do anything strenuous the pain is back (gardening, washing floors and vacuuming). I am early in my treatment, I know that this will reduce, but I am happy with what I have experienced so far.

- Heide Moss


I first started receiving adjustments from Dr. Pfeiffer when I was in my early twenties. I am now in my mid-thirties and still continue with the maintenance program. I completed the cleanse program and also attended the health and wellness seminars held here at the center. In doing so, I learned how important it is for your whole body to have a healthy, aligned spine.

Dr. Pfeiffer has treated my spine, hips and neck during many phases of my life, pregnancy, car accidents, slip and falls and during every visit helps to alleviate my neck and shoulder tension due to stress. I love the relaxed feeling I get after each adjustment and know it’s what my body needs to stay healthy. Thank you Dr. Pfeiffer for all that you do!

- Kendra Day


Hello my name is Michael I am three years old. I started coming to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office with my mom for her appointments. Dr. Pfeiffer offered to evaluate me. My mom didn’t know that young children could benefit from chiropractic care as well. She agreed to have me evaluated.

You see when I was born I had torticollis, which is tightening of the neck muscles from being in the womb. I had therapy for a year for the torticollis. However, Dr. Pfeiffer noticed my body was still being effected as my head was tilting off to the right. I now get adjusted two times a month with my mom. Even though the problem is slight in comparison, my mom and I both feel good knowing as I grow my spine is straight and strong. Now my body won’t need to compensate around the tight neck muscles so I can run and jump and play.

- Michael Schantz


Before I came to Dr. Pfeiffer, I was in pain off and on. Others gave me meds or let me come in at my own time. My lower back feels so much better going on a regular basis. I found Dr. Pfeiffer as others were not for me.

I feel so much better on a regular maintenance care schedule. I move better and the care that Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff show is exceptional. I can move better and pain is minimal to none now.

- Kathy Sweazy

terri lepore

I had been dealing with lower back pain, right leg pain and numbness for several years. I had tried physical therapy, anti inflammatories, nerve pain medication and a series of steroid injections, all without any relief. A reflexologist friend referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Since starting chiropractic, my leg pain and numbness are gone. I still occasionally get low back pain but not nearly as severe as before. My range of motion has improved significantly. I am able to ride in the car for long periods of time and walk without any leg pain. I would encourage anybody that has back pain to try chiropractic before they go the long term pain medication or surgery route.

- Terri Lepore


I was suffering from lower back, hip and leg pain as well as sciatica. Since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my discomfort as lessoned. It is very important to be adjusted regularly, Dr. Pfeiffer keeps me straight and well. I see Dr. Pfeiffer once a month as a maintenance patient. At 86 years old I am still active. Thank you!

- Marilyn Pearl

Before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I was suffering with neck and shoulder tension for months. I was getting massages done once a month to help manage the pain. I then began getting headaches, ear pain, jaw pain and throughout my sinuses. My doctor prescribed three rounds of antibiotics which did not help at all.

After just one week of treatments I began to have relief from the headaches and neck pain. It took time for the tension and pain in my face to begin to heal but consistently going to my appointments I began to have relief from the pain. Remember that it takes time and commitment to restore your health.

- Amy Gray

I have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer for more than 15 years. It started out as back issues that first brought me to the office. After Dr. Pfeiffer helped me get better I realized he is so much more than a chiropractor. I have seen Dr. Pfeiffer for back issues, sinus problems, headaches, ankle and foot problems, and colds and the latest my knee issues. I no longer go to my medical doctor as much as I did. Dr. Pfeiffer can help with almost all medical conditions without the use of chemical medications. I tell my friends and family to try Dr. Pfeiffer first before going to a medical physician.

I feel my health has improved and stays good by my once a month appointment for any back and neck adjustments. My allergies, cold and sinus issues are much less due to the adjustments. My back is in such better shape just by my maintenance appointments. It doesn’t take much to help yourself feel better, follow a once a month regiment and you will see for yourself. Thank you Dr. Pfeiffer!

- Sharon Snell

Before I started treating with Dr. Pfeiffer’s, I had pain in my lower back, which got worse as time went on. When the pain was at its worst I could hardly get out of bed. Dr. Pfeiffer did an examination and ordered x-rays. He then put together a plan of treatment, I began to have adjustments to my spine until my back was better. Now I get an adjustment every three weeks, which keeps me on an even keel.

I have had back trouble since I was twenty-five. I had gone to other chiropractor’s before starting at Dr. Pfeiffer’s about twenty years ago.

Chiropractic keeps me stable so I can function each day. I am able to paint, garden, shop and do other chores. At seventy-two I am not one to sit still. Defiantly if a person has back pain or leg pain from the back, make sure that you get help, the condition will not improve on its own. Dr. Pfeiffer is very knowledgeable and caring. He really wants to help his patients whatever it takes.

- Lewis Varian

Before I began treatments with Dr. Pfeiffer, I was in constant pain and had trouble walking. I could not sit or bend over without stabbing back pain. I would scream in agony just getting in or out of my car. Sleep was almost impossible. My doctor prescribed pain killers but I did not want to live the rest of my life addicted to pain medication.

With regular treatments, I now walk up to nine miles a day, I can live a normal life without pain or pain medication. Best of all I can dance for hours again! Thank you for giving my life back to me!

- Jane Benning


I couldn’t walk or stand for more than ten minutes at a time. My back felt like it had knots in it. I had it for years, but it gets real bad about every three years. I went to the family doctor and they gave me pills, but they did not help.

I came to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office and he did an examination and x rays to diagnose the cause of my pain. Dr. Pfeiffer started a treatment plan for my condition. I can now walk all day and do a little more each day. I have improved about 75 percent. Please give Dr. Pfeiffer a chance!

-Sandy Weller

Constance Roeder

I have dealt with back pain since my twenties. The pain extended from my lower back to my foot if I did not see a chiropractor. The neck pain came later, which was coupled with a headache. When I stay adjusted the pain is tolerable to almost none. I moved to this area seven years ago, Dr. Pfeiffer was recommended by my family doctor, and since then he has helped to keep me as close to pain free as possible.

According to x-rays my condition will probably continue to deteriorate, although chiropractic care defiantly helps to keep me up and moving in my life. And for that I am thankful for Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff.

-Constance Roeder


I suffered with muscle spasms in my mid back and pain in my lower back for a couple months. I could not take the pain anymore so I looked in the phone book for a chiropractor in the area and I found Dr. Pfeiffer.

At times I still have issues, but I see Dr. Pfeiffer on a regular maintenance schedule and that keeps me going.

- Donna Woodland

I was in so much pain it was driving me mad. I went to a doctor which was no help I was seen by an assistant not by the doctor. All they wanted to do was give me shots in my back. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by a friend, he found the problem and started to help me right away.  Now I am becoming almost pain free, so the pain that was really driving me mad is gone. The best move I made was to follow the advice of my friend when he told me about Dr. Pfeiffer.

I am almost pain free, the best part was Dr. Pfeiffer telling me how not to get back to where I was. I can now enjoy my life again, being outside with my grandkids I can now go out and have fun. I would tell everyone no orthopedic doctor first. Go see Dr. Pfeiffer, he will find the problem and do his best to solve it. The orthopedic doctor just wanted to cover the problem up. 

- Pamela Allen


I had chronic nagging right lower back pain for a few years prior to coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center. I had gone to another chiropractic center that just did an adjustment, but never assessed what possible reasons could be causing the issue.

I would take over the counter anti-inflammation and pain reliever medicine to help with sleeping or after a work intensive day. The pain never was worse than a 5 on a scale of 1-10.

Occasionally, I would put myself into an awkward position, and stress my back to a point where my range of motion was greatly reduced, and the pain threshold was elevated. Prior to coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had an episode very similar, and I felt it was more than just muscle related.

I have been visiting Upper Perk Chiropractic Center now for almost eight months, and my range of motion has increased substantially, I have not “stressed” my back to the point where it is difficult to complete my daily activities, and the chronic lower back pain was finally diagnosed!

Dr. Pfeiffer was very thorough in his initial examination, and did regular “checks” to make sure that the plan he established for my issue was helping with my issue. During my initial visits, I stressed my back to a point where my mobility was greatly reduced. Dr. Pfeiffer made changes to the program, and suggested that I get an MRI to further determine the cause. If it wasn’t for him, I would still be chasing down the reason why I continued to have chronic lower back pain.

Chiropractic care is a holistic process; usually the pain you are experiencing is caused by another issue. Dr. Pfeiffer plans the work, and works the plan in a holistic manner, where others just want to focus on the immediate concern.

 - David Paar


I could not turn my head to the left and my left arm would get numb. It was quite painful in my neck. I had this pain for several weeks. I used ice but had no relief so I contacted Dr. Pfeiffer.

Now I can turn my head to the left and put my head up and down. I have no more numbness in my arm. I am always telling people to try chiropractic.

- George Smith

After a few weeks of annoying left shoulder pain, it changed to excruciating pain in my shoulder up through my neck. It was so painful to do anything but sit in a recliner. I also slept there as I couldn’t sleep in bed without a lot of pain. Even driving was painful. My daughter recommended seeing Dr. Pfeiffer.

After a few weeks of chiropractic care, most of the pain was gone and I could resume my household chores and could even sleep in bed on my affected shoulder. I occasionally get a slight pain but a chiropractic visit usually takes care of it.

- Patricia Bevan

After a car accident I felt the effects of my injuries. From pressure in my head to a neck injury and shoulder pain, back pain and knee pain to the point I could not walk or stand for a moderate amount of time. After several months of treatment my head, neck, back, and knee problems are gone. I am able to walk as far as I want without the constant pain. Chiropractic care can help, sometimes better than other options available.

-Sharon Stauffer

Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer
Your Pennsburg Chiropractor


Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had severe lower back pain on and off for months. I went to my family doctor and was treated with pain medication, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers followed up by physical therapy which did not really help. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office by my sister in law.

Since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer my back has been much better. I have not needed to take any medicine and have not missed any work and I can now sleep and function normally.

Dean Eidle


I previously was always in pain to some degree at times unable to stand straight or get out of bed, usually an aching or dull pain in my lower back. I had visited doctors and urgent care, only to be prescribed medication. This went on for close to 15 years. I was referred by living in the community and hearing only good things about Upper Perk Chiropractic Center.

I now feel “normal” most of the time without any pain. Strenuous work or exercise causes stiffness or some sharp pains, which are quickly alleviated with a heating pad and or stretches. I could rarely stretch before because it caused too much pain. Things like getting dressed or cooking have become easier even though I didn’t even realize how much they bothered me before.

Words of encouragement for others would be that we often get so used to our pains that they are our “normal”, but they may not have to be.
-Wendy Smeltz


I have had pain in my neck, back, hips and numbness in both my wrists. Simply driving for five minutes and my hands would tingle and hurt so badly. I have had headaches that hurt so badly I could not focus on daily activities. I had gone too two chiropractors and hardly got real results and still didn’t know why I was in so much pain. When my back would spasm out and all the nerves would feel like needles all throughout my body and I would have to scream from the pain. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by a friend and I will forever be grateful they did.

When your chiropractor makes a plan tailored to your needs it does wonders for one’s body. Dr. Pfeiffer educates his patients in ways that one easily understands.  My neck has completely changed it’s curved. My headaches are less frequent, I have loosened up my spine now moves well. My spine used to lock up in areas and was hard to adjust. But with time and a treatment plan we got it moving back into alignment. My hands are mostly free from being numb and I can do my normal day to day things with much more ease than before.

-Cassandra Masemore

I was having lower back discomfort and spasms. I had been to a chiropractor in East Greenville but he has retired. My daughter told me about Dr. Pfeiffer.

Now I am doing much better. Dr. Pfeiffer keeps me going. He told me that part of my problem was arthritis and I know that age is working against me. I use moist heat at home but I keep going with Dr. Pfeiffer’s help.

-Ann Bauman

I had been experiencing lower back pain for well over a year. I recently had woken up with a stiff neck and shooting pain into my elbow. I decided it was time to give Dr. Pfeiffer a try. Dr. Pfeiffer has helped others in my family, so I trusted him working on me.

My upper body pain is completely gone and my lower back is on its way to being 100%. Give Dr. Pfeiffer a try, you can’t put a price tag on being pain free!!

-Todd Stoudt

I have had calf pain for years and had been to many different doctors. It would get better for a while, but then later on it would come back just as bad. I heard about Dr. Pfeiffer from his ad in the newspaper.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer my calf pain and lower back pain is much better. Right now after several weeks of treatment I have very little calf pain. I like to be active, I played golf and walked before all of this started and now I can do all of those things again.

-Charles Kulp

I was told by a friend to go to a chiropractor for my severe migraine headaches. I was having migraines two every week. I had some bad falls and I also had whiplash from an auto accident. I went to see Dr. Pfeiffer and he adjusted my neck and I have had no more headaches since. I had injured my lower back and had numbness in my leg at times from working too hard. Dr. Pfeiffer fixed me right up in a short time he and his staff gave me such good care.

I was also down and out from the flu and many other ailments, with the help of Dr. Pfeiffer in the Center for Nutrition and Wellness it helped me make changes in my lifestyle and nutrition. Between recommendations and nutritional care he keeps my “motor running”. I can do all of my work gardening, baking and dancing. There is no better care in the valley then being in Dr. Pfeiffer’s care. Thank you Dr. Pfeiffer.

-Janet Shaw

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I suffered an injury in February and was unable to move my neck, my back was also hurt so badly that it severely limited my movement. Before my first visit with Dr. Pfeiffer, my family physician prescribed a muscle relaxer and a pain reliever. The medications helped briefly until a second injury. The pain returned because the original problem had not been addressed. The medication only temporarily masked the pain. Now after treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I have very little pain. I am able to return to all my normal activities and more! I am now walking four to six miles a day and enjoying my life again. I plan to continue my visits for the rest of my life to stay as healthy and active as possible.

-Jane Benning

Before I came to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was in pain everyday, my lower back was always bothering me for a little over six months before I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer. I never did anything about it other than doing some stretches everyday, which helped a little at times. My uncle actually suggested for me to see a chiropractor. Now that I began care with Dr. Pfeiffer, my lower back is a lot better. I do have days where my lower back is achy and sore, but compared to how my back was before, it feels so much better. Standing for long periods of time and lifting things doesn’t bother me as much now as it did before. What I can say is if you have any pain get at by Dr. Pfeiffer and follow all instructions you are given.

-Justin Neilson

Prior to beginning my care with Dr. Pfeiffer, I had been experiencing neck pain, left eye headaches and blurriness, stiffness in my upper back and neck, as well as difficulty focusing on work.

Since I began my care at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I have experienced reduced neck pain, some reduction in headaches and blurriness in my left eye and upper back pain relief. Dr. Pfeiffer has pointed out that much of my neck and back pain is due to degenerative disc disease in my neck which is not reversible. Dr. Pfeiffer’s chiropractic care has definitely helped reduce my pain and symptoms in areas that can be helped.

- John Long

My sons Stan and Steve, wanted me to go to see “their” Dr. Doug about a year ago when I could not stand up straight or walk any distance. I chose instead to go to my family doctor, and he sent me to The Rothman Institute. They fused three vertebra in my lower back. It worked fine for about eight months, then it started all over again. I was again not able to reach my dishes in a higher cabinet. This time I took my sons advice and started chiropractic care and it is easing my pain.

It’s working! After a few weeks of Dr. Pfeiffer’s treatment and explanation of my disability, I am feeling more at ease in doing daily chores, including walking the dog (not far yet) but I am hoping! I now can reach the top cabinets without gasping out loud. I do not think twice when I get up out of a chair, walk, twist or play with the dog.

Irene Rothenberger

Before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer, my arms would go numb and my lower back bothered me. I was seeing a different chiropractor but the travel time became too much (2 hours). Dr. Pfeiffer taught me more than my former chiropractor, on health, the way the spine works and so much more.

After treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my arms no longer go numb or tingle and my lower back hasn’t been bothering me. Now I can do more yardwork without pain or numbness.

Tammi Cassel

My “journey” began one Sunday evening in January (2017) without warning, injury, or accident, I suddenly felt excruciating pain directly under my waist line and straight across my lower back. My treatment began with my family physician, who prescribed a back x-ray and steroids. After two doses he added a muscle relaxant and physical therapy for approximately a month and a half. On my own I then had acupuncture treatment and a family physician follow up appointment. I then had an MRI and a referral to a pain management physician I had decided to try.

Here are the specifics of my journey. It was a surprising experience to have felt fantastic approximately an hour earlier and suddenly get up from the love seat in one’s own home in so much pain. I was unable to stand up straight and walking across the room was slow, difficult, and each step created a new wave of pain. Sleep at night was near impossible with every tiny movement producing another wave of pain. After three days, I made an appointment with the family doctor as the pain was not subsiding or going away. Treatment began with a steroid pack, and within a few days a muscle relaxant was added to make some rest possible at night, back x-ray, and physical therapy three times a week. Physical therapy treatment with morning appointments was puzzling as I couldn’t do any of the exercises in the seated position I was asked to complete with no pain. However, throughout the afternoon and evening after therapy appointments pain levels would again gradually increase to almost unbearable. In my follow up appointment, the family physician agreed that with my pain level to try alternative care prior to consideration of an appointment with a pain management physician. Several years ago, acupressure treatments gave total relief to nerve pain in my left arm as recommended by a family member after multiple types of prescription pain medication were not giving any pain relief. My search led me to learn that the individual who had provided my treatment died a few years ago and I could not find anyone else in my area qualified to provide this type of treatment. I decided to inquire and try acupuncture treatment. Preceding the actual acupuncture treatment itself, there were multiple exercise movements to complete only with my legs. Again, I had no pain during the performance time of the movements but within hours I was in misery. I decided to try chiropractic care before seeing a pain management physician and used “Google” search for area recommendations.

As the months proceeded forward from initial days of excruciating pain in late January 2017, I silently wondered if being in constant pain was my new reality of living. Since beginning my care with Dr. Pfeiffer, the most significant improvements are that I am able to sleep comfortably at night and I am able to walk without pain after sitting in any chair. Before I began my care with Dr. Pfeiffer, there was only one chair in my home that I could sit on and then be able to walk without being in instant and lingering pain. The best encouragement I can give to others is “don’t wait! It you are in pain, chiropractic care should be your first choice not your last call for help.”

My recommended treatment journey if I could have a “do-over” would have been to make an appointment with Dr. Douglas G. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center FIRST!

Ferne Knauss

Before I was treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I had pain in my lower back and neck. I had the condition for a little while but I felt it more in my neck than my back. I went to the doctor and they told me that I had scoliosis. We went to a special doctor, they said that we didn’t need to do anything, so my mom brought me to see Dr. Pfeiffer.

The pain in my neck and back decreased a lot because I went to see Dr. Pfeiffer and he would adjust my neck and my back. Before if I were to sit in a chair for a long time my back would ache. Now I can sit in a chair for a long time and my back doesn’t ache.

Ashley Halteman

I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer for years for back pain. I have had virtually no pain since being on the maintenance program. Recently I developed very painful low back and sciatic pain and I was able to be seen the very next day!

Chiropractic care has helped me tremendously, Dr. Pfeiffer and his very caring team made a difficult time much easier to get through! I have never found this with traditional medical facilities, nor do they offer medication free treatment options that work!

Dea Halteman

My friend asked me to go to Dr. Pfeiffer’s Family Health and Wellness Program because I was having pain in my lower back and butt. I could not sleep in any bed. I used ice which helped some but I still could not walk far. I was giving up things that required a lot of walking. The pain had been there for months.

I am happy to say that after several treatments I am so much better! After my treatment yesterday, I went to Wal-Mart and shopped without the use of a cart to lean on! That was a first for a long time! I will encourage anyone who tells me that they have back pain to see Dr. Pfeiffer!! I am so happy that I found you!!

Nancy Herman

I have struggled with tension headaches since my late teens. The only relief I have found is with chiropractic care. Prior to visiting Dr. Pfeiffer, I would have daily headaches, some lasted for days with severe neck tension. I grew used to them and thought “this is just how it is for me”. I have gone from daily headaches to about 95% headache free! I have always been active and I eat a healthy diet (water included), so I can truly credit my relief to Dr. Pfeiffer’s care. Even if you are a relatively healthy person, don’t settle for less than your best self!

Katie Auckland

Before I received chiropractic care at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had the most pain in my lower back and neck with a constant headache. The degree of my pain would range from four to eight on a normal day. I would get the most pain when sitting and standing. Since I began treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my degree of pain was lowered and I have noticed improvement in my posture. I am more confident in the way I move in my everyday life.

Kathryn Reinert

For several weeks prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I felt cracking and grinding in my neck when I moved or turned it, I also felt tingling in my arms. I had worked for a chiropractor years ago and was certain that was what I needed. Since I also have neuropathy I was sure that Dr. Pfeiffer was the right choice. Having faith in your chiropractor is an important part of your improvement. Giving him the time to do what is needed and trusting his instructions will bring the reward. I still have occasional cracking but the tingling is gone. I plan on continuing with maintenance care as often as necessary in order to keep healthy.

Donna Raedler

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I had neck issues and awful headaches. I was unable to turn my head quickly without pain. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer by my mom and dad. My dad has been a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer’s for years, and has had great success. After treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my neck pain and headaches are almost gone. It just feels stiff now at times. I can drive without neck pain now. I almost never have headaches. If you are suffering like my dad and I give Dr. Pfeiffer's office a call.

Brooke Lynch

When I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer most of my pain was in my middle and upper back. It was mostly on my left side. My pain was a nine and a half on a scale of one to ten. The pain had been constant for nine weeks. I have treated with Dr. Pfeiffer before for another condition. Since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer my pain is down to a four. I have much more movement, mobility and my function is much better. I get around much better at work and at home. I would recommend Dr. Pfeiffer to anyone.

John Lynch

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was previously in the care of a chiropractor for the last twenty years till I moved to Pennsylvania in 2014. I waited two and a half years before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer. I have scoliosis so chiropractic care is necessary for me. I had been having headaches daily along with neck and shoulder pain. I treated it by taking ibuprofen daily in order for me to work and perform my daily tasks. I could bend and lift but it was not easy and by the end of the day I just wanted to lay down. I did stretches to ease the pain but because my spine was not aligned it didn’t do much good.

After one visit with Dr. Pfeiffer my headaches stopped. After three visits I could bend over and touch my toes. I was feeling much more energetic because I knew I could do my daily tasks and more with little to no pain. I have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer for three months and now I only take ibuprofen when I really need it. Chiropractic care is a true alternative to taking opioids or having a surgery that may not be necessary.

Ellen K. Guyton

Eli Barker

Before I started treating at Upper perk Chiropractic Center, I had about two and a half years of pain and numbness in my hips. The numbness and moderate pain would be off and on randomly. I had previously gone to physical therapy which only helped me for a little while. I was referred to chiropractic through my mom Kristen Barker.
Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I have become more flexible in my hips allowing me to play soccer and other sports without any pain or discomfort. I am also able to go for long runs and enjoy them rather than having to deal with hip discomfort.

Eli Barker

Jocelyn Sledgen Before I started seeing Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, My hips would hurt that caused me to limp. Dr. Pfeiffer found that I had an extra vertebrae in my back. Dr. Pfeiffer gave me exercises to make me feel better. My sister saw Dr. Pfeiffer first and said it would be good for me to see him as well.

Since I have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, my hips hurt less and I do not limp as much. My running in softball is getting better. I think that all kids and parents should see Dr. Pfeiffer.

Jocelyn Sledgen

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was experiencing severe neck, back and hip pain after a motor vehicle accident. I visited numerous doctors, but the chiropractic method has always been the best solution.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer I have almost had a 180 degree turnaround. Dr. Pfeiffer has magical hands, knowledge, education and experience. I am a firm believer and highly recommend Dr. Pfeiffer to anyone who is skeptical of this form of care. Also the other things Dr. Pfeiffer offers such as Nutrition and Alkaline Water are great!

Sabrina Green

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had pain in my knee that was rather bad for about two months. I did not take any previous steps to help the condition. I was treated by Dr. Pfeiffer many years ago. I then moved out of the area. Since moving back to the Valley I decided to call Dr. Pfeiffer’s office for care.

I am doing much better since starting care with Dr. Pfeiffer. I was helped a lot. I can now walk most of the time without limping or pain.

Jean Haas

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was experiencing severe pain in my right shoulder blade area and in my neck and down my right arm. I had pain for a week before seeing the medical doctor, who referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

After several visits with Dr. Pfeiffer, I began to feel relief and I am nearly one hundred percent improved.

Robin Ball

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was in a lot of pain. It was hard for me to walk and I had trouble moving my right shoulder. I also had a stiff neck everything ached. I would sleep a lot to forget the pain. I was taking a lot of pain pills.

Since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer for a little over a month, my lower back pain is much better. I feel as if I am walking straighter. I still have pain in my neck and shoulder but not as bad as it was. I am not taking pain pills.

Melodie Mease

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had back surgery in 2015, with pins, rods and fusion to my lower back. I still had problems though. I as too many doctors since, but no one could help me. The degree of pain was always between a three and an eight with stinging and burning down my leg and foot. My sister recommended Dr. Pfeiffer to me.

I have been to other chiropractor’s, but no one can compare to Dr. Pfeiffer. Dr. Pfeiffer pin pointed the problems. I am getting better. I will continue my treatments, and I feel very optimistic of my outcome.

Phyllis Schwartz

I have always been a patient, but I neglected to go to visit’s for a little over a year. Prior to returning to Dr. Pfeiffer recently, I experienced right foot numbness, burning in my calves and foot swelling for nine months. I went to another chiropractor for four months daily with no improvement. I had severe foot and calf pain, I was unable to walk and drive. Sleep was not possible. I had three epidural injections for sciatica. This didn’t help me at all. No doctor listened to me as to where I had pain in my back. No pills or muscle relaxers helped. After several treatments with Dr. Pfeiffer my pain decreased. My inflammation decreased and my walking is so much better. I have a much better night’s sleep, which is so important. I can manage to walk further, my mobility has totally improved. I can now enjoy playing with my grandsons again. Every day improves. I always felt chiropractic helped me in so many ways and I recommend it for family members and friends.

- Sandra E. Burks

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had pain in my legs from my waist down to my ankles. I was unable to sit in the evening to watch TV. My knee pain would flare up every couple of weeks. I was unable to walk without severe pain. I went to an Orthopedic and he said I have sciatica and slight arthritis in my knees. He suggested therapy. My friend told me to try Dr. Pfeiffer.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer for a month, my pain is almost gone. Everyone in the office is so kind to me. I cannot believe I suffered so long. I wish I would have gone to Dr. Pfeiffer sooner.

- Marie Kelly

Prior to see Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I could hardly walk on my left knee. It had been swelling up to about three times its usual size and I could not put pressure on it at all. I was having a lot of difficulty walking, climbing stairs and sleeping. I had already been to see an orthopedic surgeon and rheumatologist before my mom told me to try Dr. Pfeiffer. Since I have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I feel so much better. I can walk and even run now in fact last week I ran a whole mile with very mild pain. My swelling though not vanished, is significantly diminished and I only have pain periodically.

-Emily Barker

Prior to coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center I was in a lot of pain at times the pain was unbearable. I was unable to walk due to my lower back pain that sometimes extended down my legs. It progressively got worse over about a year. During that time I saw another chiropractor, my family doctor and physical therapy who were all unable to help prior to visiting Dr. Pfeiffer. I was referred to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office by my sister-in-law.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, my condition has greatly improved. I have not experienced the inability to walk since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer. I am able to continue working and doing normal everyday activities, like mowing the grass. I am able to sit more comfortably now where before it was effecting my ability to drive. I no longer have pain from laying down and I can sleep better.

-Dean Eidle

I had a lot of pain before I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer. I couldn’t do a lot of things at home without suffering with pain in my left arm, back of shoulder and neck. This was all due to a car accident in 2014. For two years I had injections, therapy and burning of the nerves, nothing kept the pain away. A friend referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer, she had gone to see him, and said chiropractic was great.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I have been pain free for days which I love! I am able to do dishes, wash, and play with my dogs and other things at home. I still have a ways to go till I am completely pain free forever, but as of now I have made improvement. I am so happy with my improvement of my pain and my ability to function. I would strongly recommend coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer for any aches and pains and maintance work. My only regret is not getting here sooner!

-Barbara Miller

I found Dr. Pfeiffer just about 2 years ago. It really is hard to believe it’s been only 2 years. To describe the changes that have occurred with his help, remarkable is probably an understatement. I travel extensively for my job often with 2 to 4 hours a day driving. My lower back was so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sit without pain, I couldn’t partake in physical activities with my kids, and I was having a hard time training in Jujitsu. Jujitsu specifically is very rigorous and something that is very important to me. My pain had become bad enough I couldn’t participate and my recovery times were very long. I had brought my concerns to my regular family doctor and it wasn’t really taken seriously. My martial arts training gives me better than normal flexibility and pain tolerance and it was beyond difficult to get a traditional doctor to believe I had more than muscle strain. I found Dr. Pfeiffer by chance on the internet and figured I had nothing to lose by trying chiropractic care. I didn’t know much about it, but I was out of options and getting worse. I will admit that I had some skepticism up front as to whether some simple spinal adjustments would really make any kind of difference. I have never been happier to be proven wrong. Once Dr. Pfeiffer started working on me, I felt immediate relief in my lower back. Turns out my hips were way out of alignment from an old knee injury. He started working my hips, back, knees and neck and little by little I stopped hurting. I now participate fully in Jujitsu. I have no issue playing with my kids and I am up to 4 or 5 workouts a week something I haven’t done since college.

But wait there’s more! I still get some discomfort from excessive driving, however it is part of my job so I cope with it. Usually, just before I am about to come in for my appointment I start getting uncomfortable and a visit with the doctor fixes me right up. However, recently I had a serious issue occur that gave me a whole new respect for Dr. Pfeiffer. I had just gotten off a plane from a one day trip out of town and was heading up some steps to my car in the parking garage when suddenly I felt a severe pop in my back and all of the musculature just let go. I knew immediately I was in trouble. Usually, flying aggravates my back more than other activities, but I actually felt like it was going ok until this happened. I hobbled my way to my car and drove home in extreme pain. I have had plenty of pulled muscles and I just figured I really pulled something bad this time. However, after a half hour or so of trying to ice it while laying down I realized this was more than a bad muscle pull. I went to stand up and have my wife drive me to the ER when I fully understood my predicament. I couldn’t stand. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t even sit myself up. I was in some of the worst pain I have felt and it was getting worse. We managed to get me in the car and head to the hospital when my wife says we should call Dr. Pfeiffer and let him know what was going on. I felt so guilty calling the emergency line since it was around 11p.m. He told us to stop heading to the hospital and he would meet us at the office. He checked me out, did some therapy and had me rest that night. He had me come back the next day and the staff was so nice and made me feel much better about calling the doctor so late. Over the next few days he adjusted me and I followed his instructions. I was up and about in 2 days and in just a few weeks I was fully functional. Amazing!

It’s truly rare to find an office full of people and a doctor who cares this much about patient health. People who will drop everything to help someone and who are so effective at what they do. I am positive that without regular chiropractor care I would not have recovered nearly as fast. Dr. Pfeiffer and his team are awesome and if you have any pain at all you are really missing out on a chance to get better by not making an appointment. Do yourself a favor and call them.

-Brian Whitham

Having spent some sixty plus years on this planet, I have had the good fortune to discover certain individuals who are trustworthy and have earned my trust. Being able to rely upon them, without reservation, has greatly reduced my stress level over a wide range of issues. For anything to do with my cars, I call Scott, (or Randy is it's particular to auto body). Dave handles the legal stuff and Tom answers my business concerns. For aches and pains or health issues, I call Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center.

I find that I'm a big believer in the fact the body will heal itself if we remove or avoid that which would interfere with this ability. We've all heard the joke about the patient who told his doctor about a pain he experienced when he made a certain movement. The doctor's response was to instruct the patient not to make that movement. The other alternative was to take some pain medication so the patient would not feel the discomfort when making that movement. While this may be an answer to the problem, it certainly can't be the best one. My chiropractor, Dr. Pfeiffer, would investigate why this certain movement was causing pain and then take the necessary steps to remove that cause. It's really that simple. Over the past ten years, Dr. Pfeiffer has treated me for pain in my neck, lower back, hip, and knees. I like the fact that he orders exams like X-rays or MRI's to support his diagnosis and then formulates a treatment program for me. In every case, the results have been positive and the pain alleviated. He also suggested various stretching exercises as a kind of preventive "medicine" which I have made a part of my daily routines. In addition to that, I have taken advantage of his nutritional program at the Center for Nutrition and Wellness and even experienced one of his total body cleanse programs. As a result, I'm eating smarter and healthier, exercising regularly, drinking lots of water, and enjoying improved overall health. I'm also trying to make regular adjustments a part of my regimen just the same as I change the oil in my car every 4,000 miles. I can't say I've got that routine down pat, but I'm working on it. He has even made personal calls to me at times to check on my condition. Without a doubt, Dr. Pfeiffer has certainly earned my trust. For anything that has to do with my body or my health, Dr. Pfeiffer is my "go to" source for help. I know I can count-on his advise/treatment, or direction to particular specialists for my situation. It's just a matter of trust.

-Kerry Ziegler

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had been having upper and lower back pain as well as neck and hip pain. I was unable to stand for long periods of time and I could only walk short distances or I would experience pain. My husband referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

After one month of treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I have improved drastically. I am able to stand and walk long distances with minimal to no pain. Dr. Pfeiffer gave me my life back. I am so happy to be doing all the activities that I love again.

Jody Todd

I have had Plantar Faccitis for almost 8 years. I had physical therapy two times a week. Obviously it did not help. I also had major hip pain and all over discomfort. I had quite a few people refer me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

I seriously cannot believe how much better I feel since treating with Dr. Pfeiffer. I am able to sleep better, I am able to run with little to no pain. I feel everyone can benefit from seeing a Chiropractor. I have referred my husband to Dr. Pfeiffer, my husband will be starting his care with Dr. Pfeiffer as well.

Nanette Vagnoni

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I felt that my whole body was in constant pain. I went to a Rheumatologist and the pain clinic, but I was not getting better. My granddaughter in law referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, after each visit I feel better and I do not feel as tight as I did. I am able to do more around my home than I have been able to do for a long time.

Nesta Brister

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was unable to sit I was in agony. The only relief at first was having my husband pull my leg. At the hospital, morphine couldn’t take the pain the away. I was unable to sit in a chair, I had to kneel and with that the pain only lessened. Hospital did nothing I was sent home with pain killers that didn’t work, I was told “good luck”.

I blew out a disk, I don’t know how but I went to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center on that first Monday. Dr. Pfeiffer’s first adjustments and stretches gave me relief. By the second week I could sit for short periods of time. By the third week I didn’t need crutches and now I am almost back to normal. When I got an MRI I was called into a surgeon’s office because I was walking without much pain to his surprise. He said to call him if anything changes. I haven’t needed to.

Rebekah Kallatch

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, my wife had mentioned that my posture was awful. I had always had morning back discomfort. Walking after work always seemed to help. I also had noticed that I had a crooked neck. After I had seen what Dr. Pfeiffer had done for my daughter it was a no brainer to come and get help myself.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, when going for walks with my wife I have noticed that my posture is a lot better. Doing the morning stretches has also tremendously helped my lower back. My neck has also improved.

Todd Swenk

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had been in a car accident two years ago. Since I have struggled with constant pain. When I came to see Dr. Pfeiffer the pain had become unbearable. It was so bad I felt nauseous and could hardly move.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer the pain in my neck has reduced significantly and the radiating pain and weakness in my right arm has subsided. I am able to turn my head from side to side. After just four weeks my pain has gone from a ten to a two.

Sara Longwell

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had sciatic pain that had left me bent over and walking with a cane. I had two family doctor appointments and a weekend in the ER. I was given pain medications that did not help. My granddaughter Lindsey and my husband have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer and Lindsey said “see Dr. Pfeiffer”.

After five treatments with Dr. Pfeiffer, I did not need the cane and my leg pain was all but gone. I thank my granddaughter and husband for convincing me to see Dr. Pfeiffer, and I also thank Dr. Pfeiffer.

Kathleen Henry

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was experiencing serious lower back pain and spasms for about two months. I had difficulty functioning at my job, having normal play with my grandchildren, sitting, standing and walking. Some nights were sleepless. An individual where I work recommended chiropractic care, and I began my journey with Dr. Pfeiffer.

After treating with Dr. Pfeiffer for eight weeks I am feeling much better. The pain and spasms have subsided and I am able to do mild exercise again along with the exercise’s given to me as part of my care. Depending on the person’s situation, chiropractic care is a viable alternative.

Judith Love

Prior to seeing Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I had quite severe shoulder pain due to tendonitis and possible rotator cuff tears. This pain was caused by an injury I had sustained while weightlifting. I have already been going to Dr. Pfeiffer for a few years due to back problems, so I decided to come to him for help and guidance.

Since I have been seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, he has guided me almost completely through the path of recovery. The pain in my shoulder has almost completely disappeared and my rotator cuff has begun to heal. I can now carry out daily activities such as putting on a coat and combing my hair due to treatment. I urge anyone with a similar injury to seek help from Dr. Pfeiffer rather than trying to fix it themselves.

Shawn Stets

Prior to treating with Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was experiencing visual migraines that I have not had since childhood. I had been away from a chiropractic regimen for years. Once I started with the migraines I decided to start again with chiropractic.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer the migraines are entirely gone! In the meantime, my husband and I had embarked on a project to clean up and remodel a newly purchased home. At 45, our bodies complained at the use of neglected muscles with all of the painting, squatting to the floor and carrying debris. With my husband and myself both on the maintance program with Dr. Pfeiffer we can honestly attribute proper alignment to our quick recovery.

Ruth Heil

Before I started seeing Dr. Pfeiffer at Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, I was in a lot of pain. My left arm felt very heavy, cold and my fingers were constantly tingling. I am an avid runner and I found that I could no longer run because my entire left leg would go numb. During the day I constantly would have to be stretching my left hamstring to relieve the stress on my lower back. I could not sleep for more than an hour at a time throughout the night due to pain in my left lower back. I also could not ride in a car or sit in a chair for more than thirty minutes at a time without having to stand up due to unbearable discomfort. I also, was unable to put any pressure on my left shoulder and was unable to sleep on my left side. My pain kept me from living a normal day to day life as I had before. I could not sit up straight and walked a little crooked and was unable to put my left hand above my head.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, I am able to feel normal again. I have minor aches and pains, but I have gained full range of motion back as well as better posture. I am able to sleep throughout the entire night and can sit for extended periods of time. I am now able to exercise regularly. My left arm is no longer cold and does not have tingling. I am able to sleep on my left side for an entire night. Dr. Pfeiffer has changed my quality of life. I no longer have to schedule my day’s activities around my pain!

Allison Solan

Neck / Shoulders

I had pain in my shoulder in three different spots for about four years. Recently, I fell and hurt my wrist, shoulder and neck. The reason I went to the chiropractor was numbness in my thumb, hand and forearm. I did physical therapy about two years ago. I’m not big on going to the doctor, so I have just dealt with the pain.

When the numbness began, I went to my family doctor. He suggested I see Dr. Pfeiffer.

My first visit to the chiropractor we talked about my problems and we discussed where my pain was and how it might have occurred. Then, we checked my mobility and took x-rays of my wrist and spine. Dr. Pfeiffer reviewed everything and decided how to treat my problems.

I like to ride motorcycles and mountain bikes, but most of all; I enjoy playing with my family. Simple things, like throwing a ball, swimming or playing tennis were very painful. Most of all, I could not sit in a theater for long because of the pain in my shoulder.

I noticed improvement in one week, and in three weeks, my mobility has improved immensely. The numbness in my forearm is gone, and the constant pain in my shoulder and wrist is all but gone.

I went to the chiropractor for the numbness in my thumb, hand and forearm, not expecting him to fix my shoulder. It is a good feeling to wake up in the morning without pain. I am very happy with the progress I am making. I recommend chiropractic care because it is working so well for me.

Tedd Wolf

I had pain in my neck on the left side which went all the way into my shoulder. I have suffered for at least five years off and on. At one point I even missed a week of work and was wearing a collar.

I had seen a chiropractor which gave me some relief but I didn’t really stay with the program long enough to correct it completely.

A friend suggested I try coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer. Since I remembered that chiropractic had helped some before I thought I would give me some relief, but I didn’t believe that my problem could be corrected.

Dr. Pfeiffer examined me and was able to pinpoint my problem. I feel treatment has helped me more completely and I am optimistic that I will have long term relief.

Once again I enjoy riding bike, spending time with my grandchildren and being active with them. In general, I feel better “doing” things with them. I no longer have that dull constant pain.

I am continuing my treatment which right now is three times per week for a month. I get moist heat applications and treatment on my neck. This treatment makes my neck feel less stiff and tight, which used to create constant soreness.

I feel getting treatment is better than just taking pain pills to mask the real problem. Doing the right exercises helps to loosen muscles. Without the pain, you can feel more relaxed.

~ Fern Ditty

I was in extreme discomfort. I had severe burning under my left shoulder blade, and generalized pain at the base of my neck and in between my shoulder blades. I could find no comfortable resting position. All I could do was stand and pace.

I had tried over-the-counter heating pads that stick to the skin, as I was out of town at the time of my injury.

A family member heard Dr. Pfeiffer do a presentation about chiropractic care at an adult learning session and recommended I see him. I made an appointment with Dr. Pfeiffer as soon as I realized I needed more professional help.

First, I prefer to try everything else before seeking prescription drugs or invasive procedures. Second, the office kindly fit me in their busy schedule. Dr. Pfeiffer was very compassionate and took the time to listen (very much appreciated!). I also appreciated his honesty in communicating that if he couldn’t help me, he would refer me to someone who could. He worked with me regarding pain relief and reviewed a treatment plan, patiently answering all of my numerous questions. I found him to be very caring, thorough and determined to assist with a positive outcome recovery. I was Impressed that the x-rays and MRI results concurred with his suspected diagnosis of my condition. Additionally, when he was out of town he and his staff were very helpful with referring me to another chiropractor in Dr. Pfeiffer’s absence, to provide uninterrupted treatment. This is all greatly appreciated!

I enjoy walking, swimming, and riding horses. My condition interfered with all of them, most definitely. I’d never sustained a back injury before - it definitely interfered with my lifestyle. Today, I can comfortably do all.

The burning sensation is gone, as is the pain between my shoulder blades! My range of motion on my left side (arm/shoulder) has improved enormously. I’m much, much happier.

In all honestly, I knew of chiropractic (or thought I did) but never thought of it in terms of “my own health.” I think it truly is wonderful and should be a part of everyone’s health regime. It makes such wonderful sense and it truly is connected to maintaining health awareness.
Many thanks to Dr. Pfeiffer and staff for their genuine care and concern! It’s enormously appreciated.

~ Linda L. Henson

I had severe pain in my neck and shoulder and shooting pain in my arm and elbow. They said from the results of my MRI, that I had herniated discs, a pinched nerve, and stenosis. I was out of work and sleeping in a chair.

I went to my family doctor, who sent me for an MRI. He then sent me to a neuro-surgeon who told me I no choice but surgery. I decided to get a second opinion, but I could not see that surgeon for 5 weeks. In the mean time I called Dr. Pfeiffer.

The insurance company told me my only options besides surgery were going to a chiropractor or pain management. I had never tried a chiropractor before, but my wife had success with Dr. Pfeiffer, so I gave it a try.

He told me I was in pretty bad shape, but he felt confident he could get me back to work and to a point that when I went for my second opinion, the surgeon would say surgery was not necessary and keep doing what I was doing. I continued to see Dr. Pfeiffer, did my stretches and at my second opinion that’s what the surgeon said.

I am into all sports, but my biggest thing is coaching baseball. I also enjoy working outside and being active. I am back to work. ( my job is pretty physical ) I’m throwing batting practice, hitting ground balls, doing what I always did and the yard and garden are in pretty good shape! All this in a matter of five weeks.

It’s been five weeks and I’m basically back to normal. Like I said earlier, I never tried chiropractic before, but I’ll be doing whatever Dr. Pfeiffer says I have to do for as long as he says I have to do it. I didn’t need surgery, and I’m a HAPPY CAMPER! Like I said today when I left, “I like to thank Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff. It’s working for me!” And I have been telling everyone what has happened.

- Jeff Sell

I had upper back, neck pain, arm pain and tingling in hands. I had much difficulty turning my head from side to side.

Before chiropractic care I tried physical therapy. Friends and family members that treat with a chiropractor referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Dr. Pfeiffer ordered x-rays and evaluated me. He adjusted my spine and neck area, assigned stretching exercises and neck traction. He also recommended vitamin supplements.

As of 7/18 I have not had back achiness in 3 weeks. I can move my head side to side and back with minimal discomfort. I have an overall healthier feeling.

My hobbies are reading, walking, and scrap booking. I could do all of these, but had on and off achiness in my back and neck.

I’m sorry I didn’t try chiropractic first, knowing now how much better I feel and how much better I can move. I finally found a person who could explain why I had pain in my arm and tingling in my hands, and the explanation made sense! I found the literature given to me on my condition very helpful. I read it and said, “Oh my gosh, this is me!”

~ Donna Ney

I had neck and low back injuries from a car accident. I had been to see Dr. Pfeiffer before to help me through a pregnancy. He helped to “fix” the bones in my neck so that now I have very little discomfort.

I can move my head easier and turn it further. I felt better within a week and feel normal after four to five weeks of treatment. I am comfortable doing my hobbies of gardening, walking and weight lifting.

Please, for your own health, see Dr. Pfeiffer. I truly believe that chiropractic can help insure a better life.

~ Susan Dooner

I was in a great deal of pain and discomfort in my neck and arms.

I would wake every morning with a headache at the base of my head and numbness and tingling in my arms and hands.

It is amazing the difference 3 weeks of seeing Dr. Pfeiffer has made. I do not wake up with a headache every morning and have noticed a good deal of improvement in my arms and hands.

~ Angie Ruth

I have had neck - lower spinal damage from my early 20's. I came to Dr. "P" because he treated me immediately. I am 71 and can now sleep in a bed again. I have full use of my neck, arms, hands, knees and lower spine. I play golf, swim and walk, and whenever possible, I ride by bike. I am rarely ill, sleep soundly, only take a low dosage of aspirin once a day along with an Omega 3 fish oil supplement. I have montly adjustments, eat healthy, get 6-8 hours of sleep and exercise.

~ Ruth Cuthbert

Before receiving chiropractic care, I had trouble getting through a day's work. Stiffness in my neck was so bad that I had trouble driving. I was taking muscle relaxers and Advil and nothing was working. So a friend at work suggested Dr. Pfeiffer. She told me how much he helped her. I have been going to the Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center for 3 months. I have better days at work, less stiffness in my neck and I don't feel as tired. Also, I haven't had to take any pills.

~ Ruth Weller

Before coming into the office, my hip had pain and I had no ability to use it fully or to run. Medications only helped a little, but the pain returned. My friend told me about how Dr. Pfeiffer took care of him. My hip is fine now. I have no pain now. I can run now. Anyone who has chronic pain should seek another method if their current problem keep recurring. It doesn't hurt to try a change. After one treatment and one day's rest, my pain was 99% better.

~ Dean Kratz

Before seeing Dr. Pfeiffer, I had such difficulty walking, getting up out of a chair and getting in and out of a car. This was done with much pain in my back. I had this condition for about 9 months. One of my friends referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. Previously I used a chiropractor when we lived in Kansas. I find walking, getting in and out of the car, andgetting up from sitting is no longer painful! I can now do many more of my household chores. I would urge anyone with any pains to seek chiropractic care! Complete relief will take more than one treatment. Don't give up!

~ Fern Freed

My occupation as an illustrator requires sitting at a computer and drawing many hours daily. I had long suffered with a stiff neck and shoulders. I even had tingling in my right arm at times. I did a course of physical therapy with minimal results.

I finally learned I had a degenerated disc and decided a chiropractor might produce results. I rarely have symptoms now and have learned to be more sensitive to my posture and body dynamics. My work goes smoothly and I have learned to use proper exercises while taking breaks throughout a long work day. Patience and discipline have paid dividends.

~ Gary Phillips

Lower Back

I had pain in my lower back and I could hardly walk. I had this condition about two weeks before I came to Dr. Pfeiffer’s office. I had been to other doctors who gave me shots and tried other therapy, but nothing seemed to help.

I heard friends and co-workers speak of Dr. Pfeiffer and chiropractic treatment. They were already patients and spoke very highly of his office. They encouraged me to make an appointment, so after two weeks of suffering, I did.

Dr. Pfeiffer took x-rays and found that my hips were out of place. He also discovered disc problems. He put my hips back in place. As a result, I can walk without being in pain.

I couldn’t bowl for six weeks and I am very happy to be able to bowl once again. I also enjoy fishing, hunting and watching Nascar.

I still go for my treatments and I feel so much better than I did nine weeks ago.

If you have any problems, I believe chiropractic care would be helpful.

~ Randy Corle

I have been experiencing lower back pain for about three months. Then I also had a sciatic attack in September. This was my first such attack and found it really difficult to move for days. Recently I have been having tightness in the neck and also tingling coming across my face toward my mouth. I was only taking aspirin to relieve the pain. It didn’t do much good.

I mentioned my symptoms to my sister. She was familiar with chiropractic care and felt I could be helped that way.

Through the use of x-rays the doctor was able to locate where my spine was mis-aligned. He then performed corrective adjustments to bring my spine back into correct alignment. A series of exercises also was prescribed.

The pain in my lower back is gone. I have not had any problems with my sciatic for the last week. Even though my neck is somewhat stiff yet the tingling is gone and there is more movement that I had in a while. Something else I’ve noticed is that I don’t have the bloated feeling in my stomach that I’ve been experiencing for almost six months. I am able to take deep breaths much easier now too.

I hope that my stepfather sees that my symptoms are gone. He has had problems with breathing and exhaustion. After myself having several examinations at the hospital in the spring, not finding anything wrong with me, I think that chiropractic is the best way to correcting these problems.

Richard Litzenberger

My chief complaint was low back pain on the right. I also had chronic left hip pain from falls several years ago. A disc bulge at L1& 2 vertebrae has resulted in degenerative disc disease at that level. I have osteoporosis and scoliosis with rotation. For over 40 years I have had pain and restricted motion in my neck, which has degenerative arthritis with spurring and 50% narrowing of the spinal canal on the left.

During the 40years that I rode and worked around horses I accumulated a number of injuries. I’ve had several courses of physical therapy, osteopathic and chiropractic adjustments acupuncture and massage therapy. There have been multiple steroid injections given in the region of my left hip and I’ve taken medications for pain, inflammation and muscle spasm.

The pain in my low back was being aggravated by my job, which is filing, and my left hip pain was flaring periodically, in spite of getting massage therapy. I asked a massage therapist who used to work in this community to recommend a chiropractor and she suggested Dr. Pfeiffer.

I had x-rays taken of my lumbar spine showing an unleveled pelvis with the left side being much higher than the right. There is scoliosis with rotation and degenerative disc disease at L1 & 2. The physical exam revealed many functional limitations. A course of 28 treatments at close intervals was recommended of which 21 have been completed. My symptoms have improved markedly and I rarely experience any discomfort.

I have always been an animal lover and in my senior years, I have scaled down from a horse to a dog. When my left hip pain would become acute I couldn’t take my dog for walks. Now I can walk longer distances and enjoy the outdoors with my pet.

Within weeks of starting treatment I was able to get through a day at my filing job without low back pain. For the first time in years I am able to stand with my weight evenly distributed on both feet because my pelvis is now level.

I am amazed at how much modern chiropractic treatment has helped me in spite of all the degenerative changes in my spine. I hope that reading of my experience will encourage others to try chiropractic instead of resigning themselves to living with pain and dysfunction.

~ Trudy Eilenberger

I had severe pain in my neck, shoulder, lower back, right knee, and right calf. I was limited in my ability to do daily tasks. (Driving, vacuum, lift, etc.)

I had neck surgery for a pinched nerve. I was unable to lift my right arm. Surgery released the arm, but I still have neck and shoulder pain. I take

A family member referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Dr. Pfeiffer evaluated my problem and planned a treatment of recovery.

My symptoms have decreased greatly. My ability to function in all areas has improved, and my mental outlook has improved.

I enjoy gardening, water color artist, decorating, reading, and my dog.

Whatever your symptoms, chiropractic should be used to try and solve the lack of function and in most cases will gradually improve your life!

~ Gretchen C. Rogers

I had extreme pain in my right hip when standing, sitting and walking. I was tired of dealing with it.

I was referred by a friend whose family had found pain relief with Dr. Pfeiffer.

After x-rays it was found my right hip was not aligned with my left. I received therapy and now I’m almost pain free.

I am able to walk, sit and stand without pain. I was even able to start training for my half marathon. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading and running.

Don’t suffer silently in pain. Seek natural, healthy pain relief through your chiropractor.

~ Nancy Rodenberger

I had severe pain on right side and right back.

I was using ice and heat to help with the pain.

I located Dr. Pfeiffer through the Town & Country Newspaper.

Dr. Pfeiffer ordered x-rays and started mild treatment on the spine.

I have improved very much since my first visit.

My hobbies are painting and wood carving and burning.

I feel my trip to the chiropractor saved me from taking drugs or maybe a trip to the hospital.

~ Marion Bleile

I was having pain so severe in my lower back and buttocks region, all the way down through my calf! I was walking with a walker and sometimes a cane. I used heat with no results. I call a physician and he prescribed anti – inflammatory and muscle relaxer’s, but they did not help either. I had an MRI scan, too.

I decided to go to a chiropractor since years ago when I had another back problem chiropractic helped me than.

Dr. Pfeiffer diagnosed me with a bulging, herniated disc. I received therapy and was adjusted. Now I feel really good.

I walked faithfully about two hours every day before I had this problem. I am back to walking about an hour and a half everyday. I feel about 90% better and I know it won’t be long until I’m at 100%.

I would suggest chiropractic care to anyone for lots of different problems. I have tried different methods and have found chiropractic to be THE BEST!

~ Dawn Purcell

When my husband Charles first came to your office he was in a lot of pain. He could not sit or stand for long period of time. His first visit in November 17, 2007, I did not believe he could be helped. In 3 ½ months he is pain free.

It helped me to get of a chair and bed with out pain. He is also a lot happier person.

~ Charles Gery

Before I started treatment with Dr. Pfeiffer I was experiencing excruciating pain in my lower back and abdomen. I tried everything: hot baths, Excedrin, stretching, I had
enough. I went to the Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center, and there I met Dr. Pfeiffer. He started treatment right away and had me get X-rays and an MRI. Finally
they saw what was causing all the pain. I had a protruding disc. After about six weeks of treatments that pain was 95% relieved. Little by little I started getting back to my daily routine and I'm back to work. If you start treatment, I would encourage you to stick to your recommended appointments and exercises to heal the problem, don't just cover them up with all the medications.

~ Janice Gerhardt

In the beginning of December I noticed a little pain in my lower back. By the end of January it progressed to stabbing pains there and moved into my hips also, to the point I couldn’t stand it.
A friend suggested I go to see you.

After three weeks of treatment I can now walk and move around without the fear of getting a stabbing pain in my back or hips. I can also stretch which I hadn’t done for a long time.
Don’t wait, if it bothers you have it looked at.

~ Bruce Schant

Before coming to the Upper Perkiomen Chirpractic Center, I had experienced back and neck pain for several years. Right before coming to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I had four long days of exrcuciating back pain. Picking up my daughter, carrying laundry baskets, or simply bending over to pick something off the floor sent sharp pains through the center of my lower back. A family member of mine spoke very highly of the Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center. The chiropractic care I have received has helped me in several ways. With each week that goes by, my back has been getting better and stronger. I have also been sleeping more peacefully and I have noticed fewer migraines. Anyone experiencing pain should seek chiropractic care immediately. There is simply no reason to wait.

~ Jodi Amerman

I came to Dr. Pfeiffer with high blood pressure which was hard to control. I was concerned about having a stroke or heart attack. I had tremors, anxiety, and headaches. A CAT scan showed some aging damage to my brain from the uncontrolled blood pressure and all the medications for it. I felt as though I was losing control of my health. I have been a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer's for years and he thought he could help me with the Wellness & Nutrition program. Since I have a lot of trust in Dr. Pfeiffer, I thought it was worth a try.

After 6 weeks, I'm still on my medications, however my blood pressure is better than it has been since I was 18 years old (I am now 60). The anxiety I felt about having a stroke or heart attack has improved. The tremors have improved some. I am looking forward to seeing my family doctor and hoping he will decrease my medication. Also, by following the nutrition plan I have lost more than 15lbs which gives me more encouragement to stay on the program. I still miss some of my favorite foods such as pretzels, cereal, white potatoes and sweets. However, with encouragement from Dr. Pfeiffer and my wife I am making progress. After seeing how well I am doing, my wife has decided to join me on the program. The going gets tough at times, but that's when the tough get going.

~Bernie Sell

**Update on Bernie's progress: After only a few weeks on Dr. Pfeiffer's plan, Bernie's medical doctor cut one of his blood pressure medications by 1/3 and the other two were cut in half. Bernie has now lost 35lbs. May 14, 2009

**Another exciting update: Bernie's doctor has completely stopped of one of his blood pressure medications. June 18, 2009

**In July of 2008 Bernie's triglyceride level was 467 and his glucose was 121. After starting our Targeted Functional Nutrition™ Program and making specific lifestyle change, Bernie's triglyceride level has dropped to 86, and his glucose level balanced out at 98. Bernie walks 4 miles most days in addition to our Nutrition Program.

~ Bernie Sell

I was feeling tired, sluggish and had a medical condition that popped up. I knew I had to do something for myself to feel better and care about myself. I also wanted to lose weight. I had done a few weight management programs but none really helped me.

I started out doing the body cleanse and quickly realized how eating the right foods made you feel energized and so healthy. Eating right combined with nutrition testing to find deficiencies in my body has helped me feel great and I have lost weight to add to a new healthier body and outlook to eating right.

~ Sharon Snell

Since I was young, I knew I was different - my body just didn't work like everyone else's. I spent more time at the doctor's office and in the hospital than I did enjoying life like a normal kid. Over the years, doctors and specialists diagnosed me with pinched nerves or stress, and prescribed many medicines which never helped. As a last-ditch effort to improve my health, I had major surgery in 2008. In all, I had my wrists released surgically four times, had my gallbladder removed, along with my secum (part of the bowel), several inches of large intestine/bowel, my appendix, and a hysterectomy - all before age 45!

I had been a chiropractic patient of Dr. Pfeiffer since 2006, and he was diligent in working with my symptoms. He suggested I participate in the "Cleanse" this past January, 2010. I took him up on his offer and have never looked back since! On the Cleanse, I was able to clear the "fog" from my brain, get off of caffeine and sugar, increase my energy level, improve my sleep, and lose 19 pounds as a bonus! What's most important is that I learned that my symptoms were coming from the food I was eating!

Armed with this new information on how to live gluten-free and Dr. Pfeiffer's custom Wellness regimen, I am resuming my happy life!

~ Kelly Alderfer

1/7/10 1/28/10

Davey did Dr. Pfeiffer's Cleanse long distance, from Washington, DC and lost 14 pounds while he gained the confidence to take on the challenge of running a marathon.

I'm pleased to report in that I completed the Virginia Beach Half-Marathon yesterday with an unofficial time of 2:03. My goal was to be under two hours, which is still possible considering my friend and I were in the second group that was released a few minutes after the first group was. I was in excellent mental shape -- there was never a point before or during the race that I doubted my ability to complete the 13.1 miles. I really started to feel the fatigue in my legs the final two miles, though. I did take break pace and walk at times, but I don't believe that accumulated to more than a quarter mile total.

I'm still undecided as to when my next run will be, or if I will perhaps try a full marathon at some point. All I know is that it felt great to accomplish what I did, and with the mental perspective I had, at that!

~ Davey Ermold
Washington, DC

I’ve been taking anti seizure medication for many years and one of the long term side effects from taking this medication is developing osteoporosis. In December 2008 a dexa scan showed signs of osteoporosis in my left hip and lower back. My neurologist insisted I see my family doctor and be put on medicine for osteoporosis.

I chose to discuss the findings with Dr. Pfeifer first. He suggested I start taking Vitamin D and calcium before resorting to taking any kid of medication for osteoporosis. Another dexa scan done in March 2010 showed the bone density in my hip improved drastically and the bone density in my lower back also improved. Thanks to Dr. Pfeiffer's advice my bone density improved without the harmful effects of taking osteoporosis medicine. I would suggest to anyone to speak to Dr. Pfeiffer first before resorting to take any kind of medicine that could be harmful to your body.

~ Susan Bargher

Before coming into the Center for Nutrition and Wellness I was very tired and felt so worn out. I had pains in my muscles and joints, felt sick and had to rest a lot between jobs. Three out of seven nights I was awake; I just couldn't sleep. I had a lot of indigestion, especially in the evening after meals. I could hardly eat anything without a problem. Now, I feel a lot getter. I have hardly any joint pain or muscle pain. You can't imagine the energy I have now, it's almost unreal. I do not get run down so that I have to quit what I am doing and rest.

I sleep all night now and even when I wake up I can go back to sleep. It makes you an entirely different person. No more indigestion. I can eat everthing and I feel great.

~ Jan Sha

Before I came to the Center for Nutrition and Wellness, I was tired, craving foods, and having a hard time sticking with my eating plan. I also had a nodule on my thyroid which concerned me. My cheeks had lots of rosacea; the only solution was prescription topical ointment that didn't seem to work so well.
Now, I feel much more alive. I have more energy and I am able to eat the correct things more easily. The cravings for sweets, breads, and carbs have diminished. My rosacea is fading without the topical.
My overall health has improved; I have a better outlook, am happier and feeling better.

- Beth Rinkus

"I was faced with a serious health issue that led me to the Center for Nutrition and Wellness™. I was feeling horrible and looking horrible. My hair and nails were very dry and I felt exhausted. I had a lot of stress in my life and found myself eating comfort foods (chips and candy). I was concerned, worried and thinking the worst about my health. I knew I couldn't keep eating the junk every night and I am thankful Dr. Pfeiffer was there to guide me in the right direction." "Dr. Pfeiffer felt that he would be able to help my health concerns through the use of supplementation and dietary changes.

I started to take the Omega 3 fish oil and within a month my hair was starting to feel stronger and look softer. The amazing part of this process was the dietary changes; through completing the 'diet diary' I realized I was a sugar addict. Gradual changes in my diet were made and I started to feel less tired and have more energy. I was starting to become healthy from the inside-out.

As an added bonus to becoming healthier I started to lose weight along the way. People at work started to notice changes in the way I look. The greatest compliment to me was my daughter Jen saying, "Thank you for giving me my mom back; she has tons of energy and looks like she did when I was little."

~ Sharon McCarthy

In 1992 I had an accident which caused muscle and tissue damage in my body. All of my muscles in my lower back and legs were tender and sore all the time. I was unable to do normal everyday tasks, like cooking, because I had to sit down every 5 to 10 minutes due to pain. I wasn't able to enjoy going out of the house and going shopping. I started taking Standard Process
supplements October 2006. Shortly after starting to take these supplements, my pain started to decrease and I had more pep.

I continued to make changes in my diet, eating more fruits and vegetables. My muscles
became less tender and sore, so I was able to start walking again. I also feel that I am able to heal from injuries quicker than I did before since I started this program. I am now able to do more of the things I want to do. I am starting to get back to doing my hobbies and I plan on starting to bowl again at least 1 game a week.

~ Edie Frank

I first came to Dr. Pfeiffer after a downhill skiing accident. I could barely walk and had severe back pain. Dr. Pfeiffer’s care and treatment had me moving with ease within a couple of weeks without use of drugs (muscle relaxers and pain pills). During the initial evaluation he discovered my one leg appeared shorter than the other. I told him I wore a doctor prescribed lift in my shoe to account for the difference. An orthopedic doctor prescribed the lift to help with hip pain. Dr. Pfeiffer measured my legs they were the same length. My back was out of alignment which tilted the hips. Dr. Pfeiffer fixed this problem through spinal adjustments removing the hip pain.

Chiropractic has provided a drug free treatment for back and hip pain. I have more freedom of neck movement and I sleep more soundly.

~Lori Sickenberger


When I first came to see Dr. Pfeiffer, I was in unbearable pain at the base of my neck, shoulder and mid lower back. It has been increasing for years and a lump on the top of my spine appeared. I wasn’t doing anything to help, I found Dr. Pfeiffer on line.

I am now so much better. I call him the “miracle worker” to my friends and family. I truly believe he gave me a piece of my life back and changed my view on things. I see the hump going down and I can do my normal routine with much less pain. I recommend everyone to go to Dr. Pfeiffer.

Mary Fisher 


Before coming to Upper Perk Chiropractic Center, the pain that I was experiencing was completely dominating my life. It effected my running and other activities. I was limiting all of my extracurricular activities as well.

Since I have been treating with Dr. Pfeiffer, the pain that I was experiencing is almost completely gone now. I honestly could not feel any better. I no longer have to limit any of my activities, and I am not in pain after playing sports.

Julie Dupee


Before I came into the office, I had difficulty sleeping for a period as my back began to ache. I also had issues with my sciatic nerve in my left leg. I also experienced numbness in my hands and legs when laying in bed. My father referred me to Dr. Pfeiffer. After a month of treatment, my back discomfort from laying in bed is almost gone. My sciatic pain is completely gone. The frequency of the numbness in my hands and legs when laying in bed has also decreased dramatically.

Joshua Borowski