
The Importance of an Omega-3 to Omega-6 Balance

A question that I am often asked by patients is, “Is fish oil good for me?” Generally, my response will be that most of us are deficient in Omega-3 fats (like in so many nutrients), and fish oil will supply a sufficient quantity of these essential fats. This fact has held true for decades, because most of the population in our country continues to consume the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). The S.A.D. is significantly overloaded with Omega-6 fats, which unfortunately promotes inflammation in our bodies. The S.A.D. is also deficient in inflammation-fighting Omega 3 fats. The bigger question then becomes, "How is the balance between my 3s and 6s?"

For clarification, it is important to understand that we require both forms of Omega fats in order to maintain a healthy environment in our bodies. However, the balance of Omega-3 fats to Omega-6 fats is the critical issue. Unfortunately, in our culture, due to the over consumption of inflammation-producing grains, that ratio is skewed dramatically in favor of the Omega-6's.

Just as a primer, the above fact indicates we are promoting a significantly toxic environment in our bodies consisting of pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids, while concurrently creating a significant deficiency in inflammation-reducing Omega-3 fats.

The imbalance between these two forms of fats is primarily due to the fact that Omega-6 fats come primarily from grains that we consume, and we consume a lot of them. In fact, our S.A.D. is built on carbohydrates, and most of those carbs are from grains. Think about it for a minute: Consider all of the grains and particularly wheat-based foods that you consume in a day. We start with cereal, then add on the bread, donuts, stuffing, thickening agents, croutons, pasta, etc. Even most meat today is not fed on grass (Omega-3 containing), but rather on grains, which are both wheat and corn based (Omega-6 containing). The list of grain, Omega-6-laden foods is voluminous.

These foods all contribute to the overall imbalance that creates an inflammatory load (systemic inflammation) in your body.
I have discussed this matter on many occasions both in my previous newsletters, seminars, and one-on-one with my patients in the Center. We will discuss this in detail during our upcoming “Crave Clinic.” 


Let's now take a look at the other ways in which the Omega-3 essential nutrient affects our overall health and wellness.

I would like to review one specific condition about which research has demonstrated that the use Omega-3 fats can aid in improving outcomes. That condition is prostate cancer. The incidence of prostate cancer historically has been more prevalent in the United States and Europe than in other countries around the world. The main risk factors, according to the American Cancer Society are age, family history, and obesity. Since it is currently recognized that inflammation plays a major role in both the development of and in the progression of cancer, we must start this discussion with that understanding. I think you can already see that if we minimize the inflammatory load in the body, we can aid in slowing or even halting the progressing of not only prostate inflammation, but also other inflammatory processes throughout the body.

A study published in the Journal of Integrative Cancer Therapy in March of 2017 indicates that “Preliminary research suggests that an association between higher Omega-3 intake and decreased [prostate cancer] mortality may be present, but more research is needed.”

Other studies further indicate positive benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids on longevity. Telomeres are part of your DNA that effects how your cells age. Maintaining them is essential to living a longer, healthier life. In a September 2022 study published in the journal Nutrients, the authors indicate that Omega-3 consumption supports telomere health, and thereby an individual’s longevity. They state: “The use of Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce accelerated telomere attrition and, consequently, counteract premature aging and reduce the risk of age-related diseases raises high hopes.”

Still another study published in January of 2023 titled, “Investigating Association of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lung Function Decline, and Airway Obstruction” made the following conclusion: “The longitudinal and MR studies provide evidence supporting beneficial effects of higher circulating Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, on lung health.”

One other study that I would like to reference published in the journal Stem Cells in December of 2021 titled; Increased lipogenesis is critical for self‐renewal and growth of breast cancer stem cells: Impact of Omega‐3 fatty acids, the authors state  that “… Omega‐3 PUFA” (polyunsaturated fatty acids) “can effectively suppress the self‐renewal and growth of breast CSC” (cancer stem cells) “by, at least in part, downregulation of the lipogenic enzymes, especially SCD1. These findings open new avenues for exploring novel therapeutic approaches by targeting fatty acid metabolism in breast CSC and suggest potential utilities of Omega‐3 fatty acids for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.


Your options for sources of Omega-3 fish oil are certainly varied. If you choose, you can go directly to the source and get your Omega-3’s from fish. Use this chart from Brainspan, which indicates the concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids relative to the type of fish that you select to be helpful.


If, on the other hand, you choose to use an Omega-3 supplement, then you also have a wide variety to choose from. The key is that you look at the EPA and DHA concentration of each supplement and then look at the size and type of fish used in the supplement. The chart above will be helpful in making your selection as well.

As I have said many times over the years, quality is everything when choosing a supplement. Our Innate Choice® Omega Sufficiency supplement is beyond-a-doubt one of the best that I can find. You can order this from us by calling the Center at 215-679-WELL (9355), emailing us at [email protected] or stopping by the office. Just be sure to do your research to make certain that you are purchasing a supplement that is clean (reduced contaminants) and has the highest natural concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids.

I trust that I have given you some food for thought (no pun intended) regarding the importance of increasing your Omega-3 fatty acid consumption, as well as the overall health and longevity benefits of consuming Omega-3 fats.

As always, if you feel you need more personalized guidance, we’re here to for you.