

Prebiotic/Probiotic Consumption Reduces Lung Cancer Rates!

Well the truth is sometimes in plain sight, but sometimes we just can't see it. But studies like the one that I just read can bring the truth to light, even for the most skeptical among us.

So, for years I have been recommending to my patients a diet containing both probiotic containing foods, and supplements as well as a prebiotic rich diet. The reason for this is that probiotics, or the bacterial support for our immune system's proper function which resides in our bowel, typically are deficient in most of my patients. These little immune boosting powerhouses are deficient in most of the population for that matter.

Unfortunately, this means that the first barrier against any form of invader to our bodies is lost, and our immune system is now compromised!

Therefore, by reinnoculating our gut with immune/health promoting probiotic bacteria and feeding those little guys with indigestible fiber (a.k.a. "prebiotics") we can build an immune barrier that will protect us from a multitude of invading disease producing bacteria, and viruses.

So, the validating study that I just read was performed on over 1 million participants from around the world. The findings were not shocking to those who understand the importance of these immune bosting probiotic powerhouses. That is that consumption of both sufficient prebiotics, and probiotics reduced lung cancer rates significantly!

All of the research to date indicates that there are multiple causes for different forms of cancer. There is definitely an immunity cause, and therefore it makes sense that boosting your overall immune function will not only keep you healthier in many ways but can and does reduce the likelihood that cancer will be a diagnosis that you acquire. Specifically, in this case lung cancer.

So, the moral of this story is that you MUST do everything in your power to not only add probiotics to your daily regimen whether it be in the form of supplements, or good health promoting probiotic rich foods like a good quality yogurt, or other fermented foods such as kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, or kimchi. As well as adding the food that these great warrior probiotics require to survive in the form of prebiotic fiber. This can come in supplement form or from your diet. Either way they need to eat to survive just like we do.

Stay healthy and well and remember not only to Eat Right, but also to Think Right, Move Right, and Sleep Right!