


We left off in my last installment in this series, explaining why you need to EAT RIGHT, THINK RIGHT, MOVE RIGHT, AND SLEEP RIGHT in order to maintain your health, and why the standard medical answer to Metabolic Syndrome, doesn't work.

Medically, the answer to this problem is a class of drugs called "statins". These drugs without a doubt will lower cholesterol levels. However, there are a few problems with this line of defense. The first and foremost is that they do nothing to correct the problem. The chronic inflammation is still there, as are all the other disease promoting problems of poor lifestyle choices. These drugs literally do nothing to prolong life, or to correct the problem which is causing pathologic changes in the body. The second problem with this form of drug therapy is that they carry with them many significant side effects.

These range from muscle damage, to the early onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. Oh, by the way I will also be presenting my "Eliminating Alzheimer's seminar next spring once again. This time with the latest research about Alzheimer's, so keep your eyes peeled for this one too.

No, the true answer to this dilemma is to correct the problem that is causing the symptoms. In this case the problem usually is "metabolic syndrome", which in fact stems from poor lifestyle. And yes, this disorder can be corrected quite easily in most cases. You see, to many this seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb in order to turn things around, when in fact I have seen patients make these changes and correct these problems in 21 days. That's right, by having the right information, support, and guidance these changes are quite easy to make.

I ask that you simply take a leap of faith if that is what is necessary. You can start here simply by reading my book. It is quick and easy to read, and the concepts that I outline are easy to understand and to implement.

You can also join us for my "Stress is Killing You" Seminar. This program helps you to understand how "chronic stress" is literally killing us not only by increasing our cholesterol, but due to the stress effect on many other body systems. You can also join us for our "Spring Cleaning Cleanse Event". In our Cleanse Classes I can teach you face to face what the changes are that you need to make in your lifestyle, and more importantly for your long-term success, and why you need to make them. Certainly, if you want or need more one on one support you can call, or email us at the Center for Nutrition and Wellness (215-679-WELL (9355), for an appointment, and begin on the path of true Health and Wellness. I will personally be able to analyze lab tests and perform several other tests to determine what nutritional deficiencies, or environmental toxicities that you may need to overcome.

Together we can change your life's trajectory and divert your current life path from the disease and sickness paradigm to the Health and Wellness Paradigm!

Thank you for allowing us to help you and move you forward with whatever degree of assistance that you are comfortable incorporating in order to have you live a "Longer Healthier Life" with us.