
Current Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Statistics

As I have been doing since Covid-19 first came onto the scene, I am trying to use valid research and statistics to make sense of the entire situation. 

What I have for you today relates to adverse events from the Covid-19 vaccine, which includes deaths.


You may already know about the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Site). It is the source that I have used to check on the statistics about adverse events reported to the CDC regarding the multiple Covid-19 vaccines. 

Unfortunately, current data has been a little difficult to find. I just searched the VAERS site and the available stats are not current. There is also a lot of information to navigate through the site about the vaccines in general terms instead of the reported “events.” So, I am using a source which I feel confident in, but some may not consider to be unbiased. Just the same it gives us a point of reference relative to the possible current stats. 

Please understand that the reported adverse events arguably pales in comparison to the actual cases. Many people and physicians will not necessarily relate an adverse event or death to one of the Covid vaccines. Also, many people are totally unaware of how to report issues with a vaccine to the CDC through the VAERS system or that the site even exists.


I must emphasize: I am certainly not trying to make those who have had the vaccine anxious or guilty for getting the vaccine. Instead, I am attempting to get information out about what is going on as we begin using these “emergency use vaccines.” I am attempting to see what the outcomes are relative to efficacy and safety, particularly since such large-scale use of this new type of vaccine has never been done previously. And as I have reported to you before, these specific vaccines use genetic material from the spike protein of this “novel coronavirus.”


It appears that the percentages reported in the stats below are of cases reported to VAERS. These are not percentages of total vaccinated individuals. Also, please note that 30% of individuals who filed a report fully recovered, which means that 70% did not.

Also, below I have listed the deaths reported to VAERS broken down by the age of the individual reported to VAERS as having died as a result of the vaccine. As you can see, the vast majority of deaths due to the vaccine occurred in the elderly.



You may draw your own conclusions from this information. I will continue to dig into this and attempt to clarify and make some sense out of it all to the best of my abilities.