
The Boosters are Coming

Here we go again. Are you ready for round three? The third vaccination shots for COVID-19 are coming to a “jab-center” near you.

The FDA has approved the third Moderna and Pfizer shot, also known as the “booster” for “immunocompromised” individuals. This would apply to patients who, for example, have had organ transplants and have to take immunosuppressing drugs as a result. This group would make up less than 3% of the U.S. population. 

The FDA approval has been given for these specific individuals despite the fact that no late-stage, clinical trials have been completed indicating that these genetic drugs will work against all variants. This would be important to know since 93% of all current COVID cases in the U.S. recently have been of the Delta variant. 


The use of these boosters has already begun in other countries. In Israel, the government approved the use of the boosters on July 12 for those 60 years of age and older. This age was then modified by the officials on August 13 to include those 50 years of age. In spite of this campaign, the Israeli Health Ministry announced on August 12 that 14 Israelis had been diagnosed with COVID-19 one week after receiving the booster shot. The Israeli Health Ministry went on to say that, if this trend is confirmed in larger samples of the population, it would cast doubt on the efficacy of the boosters.


Interestingly, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated on NBC’s TODAY show that, “No vaccine, at least within this category, is going to give infinite protection.” Dr. Fauci is absolutely right. At the end of July, Pfizer-BioNtech announced that data indicates their vaccine’s effectiveness drops to 84% just four to six months after the second dose. 

It’s beginning to appear as if this will be a never-ending process of jabs for the public. I want to be crystal clear: I have attempted over the last year and a half to make sense out of the data on what the CDC is calling a pandemic and its vaccines, and it has been extremely difficult to gain accurate information and statistics. What is easy to find, however, is the push for perpetual shots for this virus. 


Meanwhile, I certainly acknowledge that I have seen many who have had the virus. And I have seen some who have become very ill. I have heard of those who have died of the aftereffects of the virus. However, I have not seen any of my patients die from the virus itself. 

Furthermore, I also know of one individual who had the virus, survived, and then donated her coronavirus antibodies on a monthly basis. She is still continuing to do so a year and a half after having the viral infection. That means her natural immunity to the virus is still there a 18 months later. Compare this to the news that vaccine effectiveness subsides after 4 to 6 months.


Regardless of whether you decide to undergo any of the COVID shots or not, what I have been recommending to my patients in order to act proactively or in response to early onset of symptoms is to take a specific dose of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin and possibly CoQ-10 and melatonin. The doses of these specific nutrients will vary based on your age, current level of these nutrients, your current comorbidities, and your current level of health. 

If you would like more specifics relative to these nutrients in your particular current situation, contact the Center for Nutrition and Wellness to schedule a one-on-one consultation so I can determine your specific needs and protocol.

Until then, get ready for the boosters. They will be coming to a town near you soon. I know that the “immunocompromised use” is simply a foot in the door. The current administration has signaled that they want to see the use broadened to all eligible Americans soon.