
Blood Type Increases Risk of Alzheimer's


Researchers at the University of Vermont have determined that your blood type is directly related to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's. This sounds crazy, but years ago a patient gave me a book which made some similar assertions regarding how you should eat based on your blood type, which was very interesting as well. The revelations revealed in this book could explain why you crave certain foods. This may also explain why some people label themselves as "carb addicts".

To be clear your blood type is an observation based on the shape of your red blood cells. Most of you are familiar with the routine blood types, and may even know your own type. The standard blood types are: A, B, AB, and O. Your RH factor is an entirely different measurement for another discussion. This factor is listed as either "positive, or negative".

The importance of the different blood types is that each type has its own combination of "antibodies, and antigens". This is what determines who can donate blood to whom. You see if the blood that a person receives, perhaps due to a surgery or an accident, is different than their blood type it alters the way that the recipient's blood interacts with the rest of the glands, tissues, and organs in your body. This different blood type causes a reaction in the person receiving the transfusion which could result in kidney failure, shock, and possibly even death. So, you can see that it is critical that your blood be "typed", and it is something you should know.

This blood interacts with the different organs in your body, and thereby it may increase, or in some instances decrease, your risk to be afflicted with certain chronic disorders, such as Alzheimer's and other chronic debilitating disorders.

The data study I am referencing was performed at the University of Vermont and was analyzed in part by Dr. Mary Cushman. The study was named the "Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke", or for short, the REGARDS study. The study followed more than 30,000 people for almost four years. Dr. Cushman's analysis of the data found that people with type AB blood were 82% more likely to develop the symptoms of cognitive impairment that can lead to dementia.

One theory as to why type AB blood increases the risk of dementia is because this blood type causes the increased production of "factor VIII". Factor VIII is a "blood clotting protein" that is produced by the liver. The theory is that by causing an increase in clotting of the small blood vessels in the brain, the decreased blood flow to the brain causes an increase in cognitive impairment and dementia symptoms.

This does not mean that because you have type AB blood you will definitely have dementia, and Alzheimer's. No, remember that we can also upregulate certain genes which can combat this concern. Lifestyle is what it truly all comes down to in the final analysis. 

On the flip side of this consideration is the finding that blood type O causes a generally reduced risk for heart disease and stroke than the other 3 blood types.

According to Dr. Lu Qi, and assistant professor at Harvard School of Public Health, "Knowing your blood type can be an important part of staying healthy and avoiding heart disease. It is good to know your blood type the same way you should know your cholesterol or blood pressure numbers. If you know you're at a higher risk, you can reduce the risk by adopting a healthier lifestyle, such as eating right, exercising, and not smoking." 

Hum, sounds awfully familiar doesn't it, except Dr. Qi forgot the other 2 "Pillars of Health". She forgot the "Think Right" pillar, or stress reduction component, and the "Sleep Right" pillar as well. 

I write this article as our most recent "Cleanse Class" begins the completion of their last week of our most recent Cleanse Event. As I reflect on this class and all previous classes, I recognize the importance of this program. As I see the metamorphosis of our "Cleansers" as they come through this program, and recognize the life changing experiences that occur in our Cleansers, I realize the importance of carrying on the fight. That's right it is a fight. It is a fight against ignorance, against fear, and against the marketing machines, and the "disinformation" produced by the "food industry", and by "Big Pharma", and "Big Agra". Our Cleansers become the "Warriors" as they come through the process and "morph" into new Healthier, and happier beings. They then understand why I fight the good fight, and don't give up. There truly is strength in numbers. The more of us that learn, and experience the benefits, and virtues of Health and Wellness, the more we can reshape our society and our culture, and save our species!

Dr. Doug Pfeiffer

Center for Nutrition & Wellness

Upper Perk Chiropractic Center


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Functional Blood Chemistry

January 27-28

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