
We Are Already Where T.J. Said We Would Be!

~~Studying history, biographies, and quotes of those who have gone before us has been a lifetime passion of mine. I have always felt that the best and quickest way to learn something is through the experiences of someone else. This also allows us to try not to make the same mistakes, or repeat the struggles that others have had with similar experiences to our own. In other words, it is a quick way to learn.

To that point I recently read a quote from one of my favorite Founding Fathers. Although I must admit it is difficult for me to pick my favorite, because these men were not only great thinkers, but also courageous agents of change. They did not settle for the status quo. But, this quote was made by a man who exemplified the concept of thinking outside of the box. He was also, by any standard way ahead of his time. So here is the quote: "If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

I want you all to think about that statement for a moment, and think about where your food comes from and how it is regulated. Believe it or not your food is controlled and decided upon by the federal government in the form of the FDA (the FOOD and DRUG Administration). Not to mention that most of the food that you consume is produced by one of the major food manufacturers. Companies like Cargil, and ConAgra control a major share of the food production and distribution in the United States and around the world. These companies like the pharmaceutical industry control not only the food supply, but also to a very large extent wield a great deal of influence over many government entities, not only here but around the world. This is a dangerous scenario, and perhaps what our (for now) mystery author was referencing.

You see I believe that we have already arrived at the point that our author was cautioning us about. We do have our food and medicines decided upon for us, and like sheep going to slaughter many of us gleefully follow along as those before us have done. By doing this we end up contracting the same "diseases of our modern society" that generations now have encountered.

My question to you today is this; Do you ever stop to ask the magic question "Why"? When you are told that you need to take a specific drug, do you ever ask why? When you are told that GMO foods will not harm your health do you ever ask to see the studies that prove that?

Please always remember that you only have one body, and you must protect it. "Big Pharma", and "Big Agra" have just one concern, and I can assure you that it is not your health. No, I am afraid that the overarching concern that both multinational corporate industries have is "shareholders" and the "bottom line". That's pretty much what dictates their decision making.

So, the next time you pick up the jar of peanut butter, or the loaf of bread flip it over and see if you can understand everything that is listed on the label. Do you really understand what "high fructose corn syrup" really is? Do you understand what propylene glycol is? Do you know what a "trans-fat" really is, or how it is synthetically manufactured? Even more importantly, do you know how these chemically produced or modified substances affect your body? These are not foods at all! No, I am afraid that these must be called what they are, "food products"!

When you are told that you need a specific drug, do you ever ask if there is an alternative that you can take or do to affect the condition? Is there a nutrient that would cause a positive change in the condition? Or, perhaps there is an herbal remedy that would take care of the problem with little or no side effects. Maybe there is a food that you could eat that would provide the necessary minerals or nutrients that are missing. Perhaps avoiding certain types of foods would be beneficial. These are the questions that need to be answered. Not more of the same thought process that has gotten us into this problem in the first place.

So, who was our sage who predicted the future, and where we would be some two hundred and forty years later? For those of you who didn't guess already, or perhaps some of you knew as soon as they heard the quote, it was our third President, Thomas Jefferson. And yes, we are where he said we would be. He knew that once the government controlled our food and our medicines, which in his day meant herbs, and nutrients, that our bodies would soon be in sorry shape. AND THEY ARE! In my practices, I am seeing more and more neurodegenerative, and autoimmune conditions than ever before. These are truly the "diseases of our modern society".

We can stop this progressively worsening problem. We just need to take control. We need to eat foods that are food, and not product. We need to be cautious and diligent relative to the things that we put on and into our bodies. We need to question what we are told is good for us. We need to ask "Why"? We must not follow the herd like sheep as we have done for decades now.

I trust that you like many will join the campaign to change the future not just relative to our own Health and Wellness, but for the future of our children and grandchildren. Statistics show that for the first time in our modern history our children will have a shorter life span than the previous generation. We can and must change this statistic before it is too late! Join the Revolution. This Revolution is to take back control of our Health and Wellness. This Revolution in my opinion is equally as important as the last Revolution. It is amazing to me also that one of the leaders of our first American Revolution, is also aligned with our new Health and Wellness Revolution. Yes, Thomas Jefferson with his statement above is also a leader in our current Revolution. I hope that you will join the Revolution too. Believe me you will be in good company.