
Why Am I KetoCrazed Part 4

In my last installment of this series of articles on "ketones, ketosis, and the ketogenic lifestyle" I reviewed Dr. Angela Poff's research findings relative to cancer. I would like to continue in this installment with more information about her further area of study of the metabolism of cancer cells, and her interesting findings relative to the use of ketones in the battle against cancer.

First of all let's look at what Dr. Poff presented regarding ketones, and how they differ from glucose or sugar as a fuel source for the cells. I want you all to think back, or go back and perhaps reread the first article that I sent to you in this series in which I compared and contrasted sugar/glucose as a fuel source for our cells and ketones. Recall I said that the cells can use either to generate energy. Remember also that I said that using ketones for fuel is more efficient.

So here are the facts as Dr. Poff presented them.

~ Ketones are metabolized, or used by the cells in an area of the cell called the mitochondria. This is where the process of generating energy for the cell, and ultimately the body, takes place

~ "In clinical research studies it has been demonstrated that the "ketogenic diet" reduces metastatic progress, and prolongs life"

~ Ketones reduce blood sugar/glucose levels

~ Ketones reduce insulin levels

~ Ketones reduce "oxidative stress" on the body [i.e. the production of "free radicals"]

~ Ketones increase the production of anti-oxidants

~ Ketones regulate gene expression in an anti-cancer fashion

~ Ketones inhibit inflammation

~ Ketones specifically reduce tumor inflammation

~ Ketones are "muscle sparing", meaning that they aid in preserving muscle tissue

~ Ketones reactivate the immune system against cancer

~ Ketones inhibit cancer cell division

~ Ketones act as an adjuvant [assist in the function of] standard cancer treatments [chemo-therapy, radiation therapy]

Here is what I want you all to recognize and understand regarding Ketones, Ketosis, and the Ketogenic Lifestyle, and that is that this lifestyle is Healthier for us in every conceivable way of thinking when compared to the way that we live today.

 Our "Standard American Diet" which is laced with refined carbohydrates/sugar combined with our total lack of activity, and movement, is literally killing us!!!!!

We must wake up and smell the ketones! We have to change in many ways in order to save ourselves, our children and our grandchildren! If you don't make the changes right now that are necessary no matter how far down the "path of destruction" you are, you will continue to kill yourself without recognizing it.

I ask you with an open heart to join me in this ketone revolution. Come listen to the facts about this Amazing Process that I have embarked upon along with many of my patients.

 If you just want more energy, or to lose some weight. If you want more focus, and mental clarity. Join me on August 30 at 7p.m. for a brief overview of how you can begin living a Healthy, Life-Altering New Way by understanding and incorporating a Ketogenic Lifestyle. This new way of living and eating will assist you in avoiding cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis, destructive inflammatory disorders, and diseases. I can tell you from experience that by adding ketones to your diet you will change your life forever!

Join me in this revolution and change your life forever!


August 30 at 7 p.m. for our


Seating is Limited. You must reserve a seat.

Call 215-679-WELL (9355)

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