
Why Am I "Keto Crazed"? Part 1


Here is my story and I'm sticking to it! Recently I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar in which the presenters were all currently performing research studies on "ketosis", the "ketogenic diet", and "exogenous ketones" (don't worry I will make sense of those terms shortly). I will tell you that I had to rearrange my schedule quickly in order to attend this seminar. As a matter of fact I was already booked to attend another event. I had paid to attend, booked my room and I was ready to attend this event. But when I heard about this other seminar on "ketosis", and I saw who was going to be presenting, I realized that I had to go. So, I cancelled my other arrangements (lost my registration fee, etc.). I booked a flight to Tampa, Florida, got a car, and made new arrangements quickly, so I could hear the research being presented. I did this because I knew that this "cutting edge research" would help me to assist more of my patients. However, I didn't know how much I would learn, and how far reaching the results would be relative to the Health and Wellness of my patients!!!

For those of you reading this who have no idea what "ketones" are let's take a step back and define what I am talking about in this article. You see ketones are actually an alternative fuel source for your body. Your body typically, at least in our current culture, and with our current "Sad American Diet" (S.A.D.), is fueled on sugar in the form of glucose. That is why when you have blood work performed the doctor will typically run such tests as a "fasting blood glucose" test, and an Hb A1­C test. These tests give an immediate, and a longer range reading of your blood sugar levels. Obviously, these readings are very important to keep tabs on where you are relative to the "silent killer", and the most preventable

disorder of our modern American lifestyle, the one, the only, the "Big D", that's right we're talking about the big kahuna, diabetes.

You see, the cells in your body can use glucose as a fuel source, and they usually do. This is due to the fact that glucose, or sugar is so plentiful in our diets. And, I don't mean just refined table sugar that most people add liberally to most foods that they consume. I am also referring to the "grain based diet" which is actually a form of sugar based diet, that most Americans consume on a daily basis. Consider how much sugar you actually take in every day in the form of breads, pasta, donuts, cakes, cookies, rice, potatoes, waffles, pancakes, syrup, soda, etc., etc., etc. I could go on for pages to list all of the forms of sugar that most people consume every day.

O.K., so where do the ketones come in and what are they? Ketones are substances generated from certain fats. They can, and do generate energy for the cells in your body just like glucose or sugar. The difference is ketones, unlike sugar, DO NOT ELEVATE INSULIN LEVELS IN YOUR BODY! This is BIG folks!!! You see, if you can fuel your body on substances that do not increase insulin levels...Guess What? You just eliminated or significantly decreased your odds of being part of the extraordinarily high incidence of "insulin resistance", "prediabetes", and "diabetes" group!


Do you guys realize how big that is? Let me describe to you just how big that really is. That means that you will reduce the inflammatory load in your body, so that all forms of arthritis will reduce. You reduce your likelihood of suffering a stroke by four­fold. You significantly reduce, or eliminate, the possibility that you will suffer from any form of cancer.

Now, here is the big one for me! You also significantly reduce or eliminate the possibility that you will suffer the devastating life altering effects associated with Alzheimer's!!! And as most of you already know, this one is very near and dear to my heart.

In my next article I want to expose you to some of the research findings that I learned at this amazing seminar, and talk to you about how easy a state of ketosis can be attained by anyone.


August 30 at 7 p.m. for our


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