
They're Saying What I Havee Said for Years!


As most of you know one of the Four Pillars of Health that I teach and preach is the "Eat Right" component. Recently, my wife was watching a program on the educational station which I faintly heard from my office. As I continued to listen I heard this doctor use terms and phrases, and review information that would be familiar to many of you, since you have heard me use them for years. Then, when I heard this individual use a term that I coined many years ago, he had my attention! He said that it is important to use supplementation to "target" what you need. You (those of you who have been with me for years anyway) will all recognize that I have emphasized that sometimes deficiencies in specific nutrients become so significant that you cannot recover "sufficiency" in that nutrient without supplementing. I have called this concept "Targeted Functional Nutrition", and I have applied this concept for years in the Center for Nutrition and Wellness. Now to hear one of my medical colleagues on TV using the term is a bittersweet experience. Bitter because for the last 30 years this has been such a hard fight for me with the medical establishment and the dogmatic mindset of the populace in general. Sweet, since it is truly naturally right. These concepts are irrefutable. It is rewarding to hear someone from "the other side" finally getting it, and teaching it. This is validating to me and to all of us who have fought the battle for years. Now, I realize that for many of you I am preaching to the "proverbial choir", but for those of you who don't know what I am talking about, or for those who need some re-emphasis here you go.

I am going to touch on some "Eat Right" concepts for you to incorporate this month to change your life. If you think that I am kidding then just, as we used to say as kids, "Try Me!"

The first concept that you may need to revisit is drinking enough water. Certainly the more "clean" the water the better, but my emphasis is to just drink enough good old H2O.

But, how much is enough? This is a question that I am asked on almost a daily basis. Probably the best rule of thumb is "MORE THAN YOU ARE DRINKING NOW!" The rule really has always been half of your body weight in ounces. If you can approach that this month then you will feel the difference.

The next concept is to eat lower carb vegetables. And, just who was it who taught us that dinner should consist of "a meat, a vegetable, and a starch". You know where that came from right? Your mother! Now, Mom was usually right, and with all due respect to all of the Mom's out there, you got this one wrong. YOU DO NOT NEED "A STARCH WITH DINNER." Perhaps it was the Idaho potato growers that perpetrated this one on us. I am not sure, but it is literally dead wrong. What you do need to do is to eat more vegetables with dinner. Two or three green vegetables is not only allowed, but required. Don't worry, Mom will get over it. Remember the broccoli, asparagus, spinach, and cauliflower (I know, that one is not green, but eat it anyway.) These are all easier to make than you think, and can be spruced up with some seasonings/herbs.

And just who was it who said that you have to eat meat with dinner? Oh, that was probably Mom too. Now don't get me wrong, you should eat meat as a protein source, but there are other sources of protein that you can consume like nuts. Oh, and meat doesn't and shouldn't mean only beef or pork. That's right, chicken and fish can be better. I say can only because you need to look for chicken that is hormone and antibiotic free. You also need to look for fish that is "wild caught" and not farm raised for pretty much that same reasons as the chicken.

How about fat? Isn't fat bad for you? Another falsehood perpetrated on the American public. Granted too much of the "bad fats" are no good for you. What are the "bad fats"? Well, I hope that you all realize that "trans-fats" are the worst. These are manmade and go under the alias of "hydrogenated vegetable oil". Another "bad fat" is animal fat, or beef tallow. These are definitely the types of fats that you want to avoid. What fats should you consume then? Good fats such as coconut oil, olive oil, and good organic butter. These feed your brain and nervous system, and give your body the resources that it needs to generate hormones.

Next, don't eat foods with ingredients that you can't pronounce, or that sound like chemicals, because they probably are. In our Cleanse program I call these substances "products" since that is really what they are. They are not foods for your body. These are chemically manufactured products that you are supposed to consume in place of food. Get them out of your house, and start eating food, not product!

Here is one recommendation for you today that I can guarantee will be the most difficult for virtually all of you. GET THE SUGAR OUT OF YOUR DIET, AND OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! I have been walking this talk for nearly 40 years now, and I can tell you honestly that we do not have any sugar in our house. I know this because my brother was recently visiting from California, and he wanted sugar for his coffee, and there was none to be found in our house. This will however be the most difficult for virtually all of you. I say this because you are constantly consuming sugar in different forms. That potato in your soup turns into sugar very rapidly. Those natural crackers that you consume regularly because they are healthier that the other brands are also turning into sugar literally in your mouth before you even swallow them. But take solace in the fact that even by consuming less sugar you will be doing wonderful things for your body.

The last simple, yet not so simple thing that I want you to do this month is to EAT LESS. We consume too much food in America. Which means too many calories. Then we sit around in our jobs and leisure time, and don't burn those calories off. This equates to weight gain, disease, sickness, and an early loss of function and ultimately an early death. Obesity is the most preventable component in the disease and sickness paradigm. Yet it is the most difficult for most Americans to get under control. So just how do we do this one? Well first of all, by doing everything that I have outlined for you above you will begin to lose weight, be less hungry, and regain your health. And here is another trick that you can apply. Use a smaller plate. Research demonstrates that if you simply use a smaller plate you will consume less food. Try that one and see if you don't find that you eat less.

So, my challenge to all of you this month, even those of you who are deluding yourselves into thinking that you are doing things right, I have a newsflash for you, you aren't! Take the rose colored glasses off and look at things as they are, not as you think that they are. Be objective, which is very difficult for us as humans. Just make these changes, and see what a difference that you can make in one short month.

Oh, and for those of you who have matured to the point where you can admit that you need some extra help, or even a push to get on the right track you can join us for our "Cleanse Preview Program". Those who have taken the leap to the next level, and join us for our "Full System Detoxification Cleanse Program" have changed their lives forever!

If you really want to learn more about the "Four Pillars of Health" you can read and apply the concepts outlined in my book "Dr. Pfeiffer's Guide to a Longer Healthier Life".

I look forward to hearing about your gains to better health in the next month as you apply the simple concepts that I have outlined for you above. Please email me and let me know how your life has changed in just one short month.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Pfeiffer

Call 215-679-WELL (9355) to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Pfeiffer.

Learn more at our next
Cleanse Preview Program
August 16 at 7p.m.
Seating is Limited. You must reserve a seat.

Call 215-679-WELL (9355)