
Allergy Relief That Really Works!

~~Many of you who live on the east coast are beginning to suffer from that annoying "Spring Cold" right about now. For some it is coming a little early this year. Well I have a news flash for those of you who believe this to be the case. There generally is nothing called a "Spring Cold". There isn't a "Tooth Fairy" or "Easter Bunny" either. However, there are seasonal allergies. And that my Friends is probably what you are suffering from. I know some of you will respond to that statement with the standard response that I have heard for years; "I have never had allergies in my life!". Well guess what, you in fact did, but no one ever told you, or diagnosed it as allergies. And the reason that they are coming early this year is because of the weather patterns we've experienced this winter on the east coast. It has been a relatively mild winter, and spring has come early. Hence the early onset of seasonal allergies. But just what is causing these allergies? Many of us don't see much in the way of flowering plants popping up right now. However, if you look just a little closer you will see that the trees are beginning to pop, and those of you who are suffering right now from a  stuffy, or runny noses, itchy, and watery eyes, or a scratchy throat, are in fact suffering from the first symptoms of pesky tree pollen and seasonal allergies.

The answer to this problem is not strong anti-histamines, which leave you all dried out, fatigued and drowsy. No, the real answer is to support your own immune response, which right now is on overdrive. There are two supplements that I use in supporting patients' immune response who are suffering with this malady. The first, I review with you in the video above. That supplement is called Allerplex, and it is extremely effective. The other supplement that I use is a homeopathic remedy for tree pollen. Used in tandem these two give the one-two punch that is needed to knock out the ravaging symptoms of early seasonal allergies. Let us know if we can help. You can either email us or call the Center 215-679-WELL (9355) to order these support supplements.


Register for our Family Health and Wellness Program

April 13 at 7p.m.

Learn more about getting and staying healthy!

Here are a few comments from recent attendees of our Family Health and Wellness Program:

I felt that The Family Health and Wellness Program was very informative and interesting. What I found most informative is the importance of correct alignment of the spine and how it relates to your nervous system.

~Anthony W.

I felt that the Family Health and Wellness Program was excellent and very informative. The program gives great insight into chiropractic care. ~Ruth S.

I thought the Family Health and Wellness Program was an awesome program. This program is getting out the right message about preventative care. ~Jake S.

The Family Health and Wellness Program is a very informative program. What I found most informative is how chiropractic effects the body overall. ~Aliscia S.