
Night Time High Blood Pressure

~~Nighttime High Blood Pressure More Predictive of Heart Attack and Stroke Risk!
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is one of the best predictors of stroke and heart attack risk. Many of you have undergone our Max Pulse testing for overall cardiovascular function, as well as our in-office carotid ultrasound scans to assess carotid artery function and overall arterial plaquing and arterial wall thickening. Some of you are also monitoring your blood pressure on a daily basis as per doctor's orders.
Well I have to share with you what is coming out in the latest research regarding blood pressure monitoring and heart attack and stroke risk. Many of you will need to share this with your cardiologist or primary care doctor. You see, all of the testing that we doctors do in our offices and that you do at home may, according to multiple research studies, do little if anything to predict heart attack and stroke risk. You see, the largest study ever of daytime vs. nighttime blood pressure readings as a predictor of heart attack and stroke risk was just published in the American Journal of Hypertension. This study was an analysis of data from 13,000 patients. The study found that in-office monitoring of blood pressure "had NO association with cardiovascular outcomes including stroke." The study goes on to note that; "In contrast, nighttime blood pressure was associated with a risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes."
The researchers found that for every 10 mmHg. increase in systolic (the larger number) blood pressure there was a 25% increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes. The lead investigator, Dr. George Roush of St. Vincent's Medical Center, Bridgeport Connecticut, stated that "When you put all three measurements (daytime, nighttime, and clinic blood pressure) in the same model, nighttime persists at the same level of prediction, but the day and clinic are totally useless." He goes on to state that; "Every practical clinical decision we make is based on clinic blood pressure, yet it is the least predictive of all three."
I recently had a patient who was in his 30's and in relatively good state of health come into my office for an adjustment. He proceeded to inform me that on a recent visit to his primary care doctor he had his blood pressure checked. He went on to state that it registered in the 130 range of systolic pressure at that time. He then went on to state that the doctor then decided to place him on blood pressure drugs solely due to this one reading. Now, I am certainly not here to criticize any other practitioner of the healing arts. I am concerned when a doctor makes a clinical decision about prescribing a drug based on one reading on one encounter with a patient, particularly one who is in relatively good physical health. The follow up to this story is that the patient stated to me that he hasn't felt right since he began taking the drug.
Something obviously is wrong with this picture. Especially in light of this most recent research presented in a prestigious journal by a reputable research scientist.
I encourage all of you to begin to take responsibility for your own health. Read, study, and become informed about Health and Wellness.
I know that some of you may get tired of Dr. Pfeiffer's incessant discussion of some of the offerings that we make to you here at the Center. I hope you understand that I do this out of a strong belief in what we do here, and well as an interest in helping more and more people understand that the true road to Health often requires that you deviate from your current path. As Thoreau said you must sometimes learn to "take the road less traveled." I am pleased to say though, that road is becoming more and more congested.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Pfeiffer
P.S. There is something else that you can do. That is to join us for our "Fall Full System Cleanse Program". If you haven't done it before, it is time. If you have, it is probably time to do it again. Tell your friends, family, and loved ones about this program that will decrease your toxic load of chemicals
We will show you this with the objective testing that we will perform "Pre" and "Post" Cleanse to demonstrate this to you.  Simply call Kerry at the Center for Nutrition and Wellness (215-679-WELL (9355)) to sign up. Or you can e-mail Kerry.
Call us at 215-679-WELL (9355)