
Truth About Cholesteral Part 2

~~I trust that now that you have had a chance to read part one of this series on cholesterol, you have a better understanding of the necessity for this extremely important compound in maintaining your overall Health and Wellness. You now have a better grasp of how cholesterol impacts your entire health from neurologic function to hormonal function. You also can now understand that by artificially driving our cholesterol levels down with the use of statin drugs, we are also reducing one of the critical components for the manufacture of vitamin D by our bodies.
Since this is such a critical element for our bodies, perhaps we should now learn more about how we get it into our bodies or create it, and how it can become out of balance.
First of all I want you to recognize that the entire body only contains about five ounces of cholesterol. Of those five ounces only about 7 percent or one third of an ounce circulates in the blood. It is also extremely important for you to recognize that 80% of the cholesterol in the body used for the various necessary functions that I outlined to you in my last installment is produced by the liver. The wall of your intestines produces additional quantities of the cholesterol found in the body. 
When it is necessary, every cell in your body with the exception of nerve cells can synthesize cholesterol. The entire body synthesizes between 1000 and 2000 mg. of cholesterol every day.
As with so many functions that the body monitors on a daily basis, the system will balance the natural production of cholesterol with the amount that is taken in through the diet. Therefore, the more cholesterol that is consumed from the food that we eat, the less that the body will produce. For this reason the blood level of cholesterol will remain relatively constant regardless of the amount of dietary cholesterol that you consume.
It is important for you to understand that the cholesterol contained in what has been labeled "bad cholesterol" (LDL), and "good cholesterol" (HDL) by the medical establishment contain exactly the same cholesterol. You see in our Health and Wellness Paradigm we do not have "bad" and "good" cholesterol. We simply have "appropriate cholesterol" and "appropriate cholesterol". Our body does nothing that is not correct. We on the other hand do many things in our lifestyle choices that are wrong in.
The differences in these two types of cholesterol is not in the type of cholesterol that they contain. No, on the contrary the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol is in the type and quantity of protein that these two different forms of cholesterol contain. HDL cholesterol contains more protein and less fat than does LDL cholesterol. 
The true reason that HDL cholesterol is called good is due to the speculative belief that this form of cholesterol is presumed to pull cholesterol from the arterial walls. Conversely, LDL cholesterol is presumed to be the "bad" form of cholesterol due to the albeit debatable evidence that this form of cholesterol deposits itself on the artery walls.
In my next installment on this subject I will present you with the other things that affect your cholesterol levels.
Dr. Pfeiffer's "Think Right"
"It is easier to write ten volumes of philosophy than to put one principle into practice."  ~Leo Tolstory